Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet

It does take a lot, so if someone has been contemplating it for a long while and is actually capable of following through, they have every right to do with their life what they will. The reservation for suicide as only to terminal illness fails to take into account that many people will live an entire life of severe

I called them once. They asked me for my personal info before counseling me, and grew angry when I was reluctant to provide it. Luckily, I'm still around to complain. Would not recommend.

why do we vilify suicide? if you've been alive and depressed for long enough, you should be able to check out at will. I dig his work as much as anyone else, but I'm glad he's found peace.

with the exception of health care, you've just supported the thesis I'm referring to - one promoted by Harvey, Smith, Brenner, Theodore, and many others. if you feel that finance, fiat, and fictional capital are not significantly driving information, real estate, entertainment, and even retail industries, well...

My doctoral research blended critical theory with urban planning - hence the attention to speculative capital rather than fixed capital and labour. But of course, these issues permeate throughout our increasingly neoliberalized global society. Thanks for chatting!

You've just described the depoliticization of fashion since the 1970s. The punk scene, like the hippie scene, were displays of political rebellion against capitalism, imperialism, fascism, etcetera. And in our current neoliberal epoch, fashion now serves to reinforce these socio-economic ills. The post-Fordist shift

And that's often the ethos of fashion - to appropriate the inadvertent motif of lower/working-class life and fetishize/commodify it for conspicuous consumption. Meanwhile, people still look toward fashion as a potential site for social equity - such as the calls for more racial and body diversity in fashion. Rather

Exactly, it's exhausting and hypocritical. Though I call myself a punker, I've been in the research and academia field for a decade now, and the outfits/signifiers were never my concern. I play and listen to the music, but you'd never know it by looking at me. What's further aggravating is that the indie/punk

Black Sunday.

these folks are what we call 'shiny' punks. they have a theatrical and exaggerated aesthetic. most punkers, such as myself, generally eschew the image-oriented motifs and are generally anti-fashion. however, the understated 'working-class' aesthetic that we often wear has become a rote and predictable signifier, and

incredibly rude and insensitive.

when white women started thinking that feminism and faux-solidarity with black women somehow allows for cultural and linguistic appropriation.

Whereas in NYC, SEA, PDX and other such places, you will have to scrape men off of you with those kind of looks.

The disconnect often is: most single straight men I know definitely would sleep with 50% of women in any room, without introduction. And I think it really is quite difficult to comprehend that most women are much more selective. It's not all about the men's bonerz, but it is emblematic of the ongoing mismatch in

I didn't understand how you were referring these very basic concepts. I work with a ton of people in public and reproductive health, and I don't need your pedantic and bold-typed aggression, please. I'm confident that I've read, understood, and interacted with an equal or greater amount of feminist and reproductive

This is the one and only time I've ever considered joining a church.

The difference between a nice lady sending me a pic of her nakedness is tremendously different than internet porn. It's about intent (hers, to titillate -ehem- me), consent (where my consent to willingly receive is always implied), and the personal nature of the communication that turns a situation from clinically

AH, a culture of hypocrisy! Now that can be applied universally!

I totally agree - (esp the overpopulation in relation to reproductive health - YAY!). However, a lot of religions and cultures will take quite a bit of umbrage at your insistence that "All human beings should have the right to do with their bodies as they should please, as long as it does no harm to living, thinking

Oh I know. I just think that we can all agree that quite a lot of men would really like to receive more unsolicited pics of female genitalia. The divergent preferences are really interesting to me.