I'm not even talking about that and the Beyonce episode.
I'm not even talking about that and the Beyonce episode.
Zahi Hawass is totally a tyrant.
I love watching Hawass, since he's basically always throwing a hissyfit about how the world doesn't honour his importance. Seeing him clash with a pop star is just giggles all around.
Yeah, what I heard about him is that he'll cover stuff back up so he can uncover it in front of the cameras and get the glory.
People are nasty. This is why we can't have nice pyramids!
Hawass has been accused of facilitating smuggling antiquities, all the while raging at places like the British Museum for displaying Egyptian artefacts because they're "stolen" (which is a whole other question, but at least they look after them and given the state of some of the artefacts in the Egyptian Museum my…
I spent three years studying Egyptology and practically the only thing that every single one of my tutors and lecturers agreed on was that Zahi Hawass is a total tool.
Ah, Zahi Hawass. This dude has Kanye levels of self-importance. I can only imagine the ridiculous amount of shade being thrown by two people, each with their own photographer in tow, trying to be queen of Giza.
I tried to do this many times. Unfortunately, being 5'2", black, and having an alcoholic father (despite the fact that I myself have literally like 1 drink per week) all combined into major GTFO territory.
I'm confused as to why you're lumping Canada in with the states here... Our gun laws are actually pretty strict (pretty similar to the UK) and we don't have many NRA types here, the right to bare arms is not in our constitution. Most of our gun violence problems come from firearms that have been illegally smuggled in…
I assumed that the mother was the one filming it.
Bullshit. Sorry, but, massive bullshit. It is significantly harder for children who don't conform to gender norms. I have been a fish monger since I was 13, and the kind of shit that gets said to me because I am a woman just staggers me. On the other hand, we have countless examples of people trying to be feminist and…
Well, the best part about this story is that costco removed the bibles from its shelves. Now, let's just hope that they don't put them back.
This is hilarious. If someone did this to troll, well-played.
"A guy who called himself Michael called the Santa Monica store and said he worked for Nick, and, being the hubby of Mariah Carey, he needed some jewelry STAT..."
Where did you see this picture? Asking for a friend...
Wow wow wow. You can't just smack up a picture of our beloved Arcade Fire frontman Win Butler next to the words 'Nazi'!! For shame!!