
I think this is sort of th case with her. I read somewhere a while back that she's admitted that she's had a low opinion of her looks like she wanted a more Eurocentric look to her facial features. She was in an abusive relationship with Notorious BIG and he was also seeing Faith Evans and she felt pressure to look a

to add nothing productive to this conversation doesn't she kind of look like Mariah Carey with that Anna Wintour's hair.

Yeah she's so fun she also endorses date rape to get laid.

I can completely relate to this. Although I just didn't have friends in general (still really don't now) I've always yearned to have a close group of friends who are women but every opportunity I've had hasn't worked out. Although I am woman's woman, I prefer the company of women and I appreciate what it can mean to

her not having an Hollywood "gal pals" wasn't supposed to be a bad thing. She's relatively quiet personally and focuses on her humanitarian work, I know. I really like Angelina Jolie, I like that she seems very committed and passionate about her humanitarian work and that she doesn't court attention in the way that

I don't think Angelina Jolie has any friends besides her kids and her fiance lol

Well except that I never said Omnivores don't eat vegetables. I said I was tired on hear holier than this vegetarians/vegans using the excuse that their diets are cruelty free.

I see Terry Richardson with Tom hardy lips.

You missed the point obviously. Go back & read.

Meh as opposed to all the human laborers who are essentially slaves picking all the vegetables. I'd rather eat a factory farmed animal.

Aww congratulations Lindy!

Oh, so you performed all of their surgeries and you can testify to that eh?

Voodoo dolls of ex boyfriends

That's rude. With the exception of Kim the others haven't surgery. Ciara is pregnant so her face has changed from weight gain.

Meh, when I saw that everyone was white I was like whatever not interested.

Miley's just trying to be a feminist role model to the kids.

I feel like he writes in this style to piss the pedantic people off.

They look like siblings.