
what a dumb bitch.

He was remorseful... Because he was caught being a dick.

He was also under the influence of other substances and he was drag racing on a public Street...

She also loves under a rock and doesn't know about DVR s or the Internet.

Lol white people making it about them and missing the point since the beginning of time!

No its not hard to say they're old enough, if Tray von Martin and all the Black girls and boys who are the victims of violence at the hands of white people or are victims of circumstance are old enough than all those white kids who want to spout all their racist bullshit are old enough too.

I wish I was a better person and could be "kinder" to people like that but I sincerely hope someone throws acid in their faces.

Why would I repeat the point heywhat has already made especially since she's said it so clearly and succinctly, and better than I could have explained it. From my comments you can tell I agree with her. I'm not going to like Jennifer Lawrence just becuase she's a woman. Everyone else may have fallen for her schtick

I hope she found one. As much as I love to make fun of Taylor Swift I kinda like her, and I cannot wait for her next ex-trashing album.

I admire your patience with this person who just keeps missing the point.

What takedown? Have you seen American Hustle? She didn't say that Jennifer was a bad actress she just wasn't good in American Hustle, which is true.

Ahh if all those little Black boys who get murdered every year are old enough to be considered adults who should have known better then I think the this 18 y/o is considered old enough to know he shouldn't use racial slurs and not expect to clocked in the face.

Good for TSwift I thought she was looking for a boyfriend.

You obviously have poor reading comprehension skills or you're a troll because no where in their response have they said that Black men should only date Black women.

Lol, she's from one of the Real Housewives shows and she knows her fake ass top lip implant is disturbing but she's said she doesn't care.

Except that squats aren't really an effective glute workout, and that ass is not the product of exercise or genetics so it would be nice if she stopped doling out all that incorrect advice.

I don't know recall who that is but Michelle joined right before they got popular so that's not her.

  1. How much money they have/Who their parents are

That's his co-star Vin Diesel