
I fucking hate digital text books. I live in Canada, and recently this year a lot of our courses in my accounting program made the switch. The cost is pretty much the same ... the rep who came in from McGraw Hill Ryerson told us that digital texts are about 80 to 90% of the cost of the physical book, you don't even

You either haven't read the whole thread or you're trolling or being obtuse on purpose. A lot of great commenters here have already broken down the issue so go back and read the thread.

Yep, because it's so encouraging as a Black child realizing that the world doesn't expect to you to aspire to anything higher than a pile of dirt. Jump in front of a train, troll.

Don't you just love dealing with people who keep missing the point? I wonder if people are being this obtuse in purpose.


Well it gets tiring and offensive when people make your culture/race the butt of their jokes over and over again with lazy fucking jokes. Haha Black people are dumb and so ghetto we should lighten up because it's just a joke... Fuck that noise.

Well it gets tiring and offensive when people make your culture/race the butt of their jokes over and over again with lazy fucking jokes. Haha Black people are dumb and so ghetto we should lighten up about...

Yeah I was under the impression Nicki was one of the leads, but I guess it would have been too much to ask that a Black woman not be relegated to sassy Black friend in these types of films.

How about fuck you.

Still gross. And where is a cat when you need it.

Who hurt you? How many inches taller were they? It will be okay, YOU WILL FIND LOVE AGAIN!

Well I'm 6'3" and I'm usually taller than everyone I know. I would definitely date men shorter than me, but as a tall woman when you do find a guy who is shorter and seems okay they dating someone taller they usually end up being jerks With Napoleon complexes. Most men who are shorter don't want to date anyone taller

Sorry, I replied to the wrong post. Touche, carry on!

If you really want to get no dates at all try being 6'3" Black, intelligent, kind awkward and not thin!

Calm your tits. I don`t know anything about Paul Walker, I`ve only seen Tokyo Drift and the dude wasn`t even in it. I just said that to point out the ridiculousness of wishing death on Justin Bieber (as much as I hate him), when there are celebrities who`ve done worse. Although I hope R Kelly does die which is why I


Lol that's shady, but I still love Solange. I also love how she used examples of women who are considered "approved" when it comes to Black womanhood.

I was actually being facetious but not really. R kelly is a child molester.

No it should have been R Kelly. With all seriousness.