Won by Chaos

I live in NE Ohio so I’ve had to put up with people gushing about Jim Brown for my entire life, and now that he’s dead, pretty much every single commentator on the radio has led with: “His past was ‘complicated,’ but...” and then gone on to talk about what a great athlete he was. Some have talked about what a great rol

That is one way to bury the lede!

One paragraph is not a sufficient enough discussion of Jim Brown’s long, long history of beating (and in some cases nearly killing) women. So we should all head over to Diana Moskovitz’s incredible piece for OG Deadspin to remind ourselves just what a piece of shit he truly was: https://deadspin.com/jim-brown-did-great

I’ve recently started watching this and I am not trying to be mean but is the woman who plays Beth acknowledged as a terrible actress in a crooked wig? 

She jumped!


Blink-182's lawyers have filed a suit against this comment

I can’t believe anyone was able to come back to this show after season 2. After you go full Sicario with the cow police what other heights can a show hit?

This? Why, I can make a hat.. or a brooch.. or a pterodactyl!

Me, John, big tree!

There’s a sale at Pennies!!!

And Leon is getting laaaaaarger!

I’d rather see an Anthony Peter Coleman origin flick, centering on his time in Grenada.

Respect for not defaulting to One or Master of Puppets at the top of this list, but Stranger Things got it right: Master of Puppets should be 1.

Creeping Death is a little unoriginal as I can’t hear the lyrics without thinking it’s the thrash version of DeMille’s Ten Commandments via Sunday School lesson.

I prefer the 2003 version of Peter Pan over what this trailer portends. Jason Isaacs played Mr. Darling and Captain Hook and he brought the snarl, along with Robert Plant’s hair.

Not to mention that Alan Tudyk would be a miles better Captain Hook than Jude Law. Honestly pretty surprised those two roles aren’t reversed.

Yeah, no...this whole list was invalidated (IMHO) when listing Prince at #2 so, g’won, git and take this ‘ranking’ with you.

At his best, there was nobody better than Prince, and he was at his best here.”

Stephen: “At his best, there was nobody better than Prince, and he was at his best here.”

Prince and U2 have held the top two spots for awhile and probably will for awhile as well.