
Republicans managed to turn a Purple Heart into a liability but Biden should open up his entire archives to public scrutiny.

Why is Jezebel doing it’s level best to torpedo the campaign of the best chance to unseat the Orange Menace in November?  Need I remind you of the many women who have credibly accused Chump of rape?  And of The Dolt’s ties to Epstein?  How can 4 more years of the orange man-baby be preferable to Biden?

People like MIA are what Social Justice Warrior used to refer to. Most forget it was a term coined by actual social justice activists to call out the modern version of limousine liberals and the shallowness of their aapparent beliefs. 

M.I.A.’s comments are textbook using social justice to attempt to shield herself from criticism. I find it to be gross.

I’m sure many of the hundreds of thousands of men who died in that war would have preferred to stay home and work and still be alive. Women as a whole sacrificed and helped keep this country afloat, make no mistake.... but damn it’s pretty flippant to just hand waive the massive death toll of men(many of them very