
Yes — and repeated mentions of “Afghanis” (a unit of currency) instead of “Afghans” (people). Journalists need to be held to a high standard at all times otherwise there may be a slippery slope, whereby similar liberties can be taken with facts.

An Afghani is a unit of currency. An Afghan is a person. It’s bothersome that you represent yourself as a journalist but don’t get this critical fact right.

I will continue to judge the shit out of anti-vaccine moms! That so-called ‘personal choice’ carries social impacts and puts my newborn at risk.

Yeah, but....so what? Justice was served. He has a long prison sentence. That’s the point. Requiring criminals to comprehend the scope of their actions and the impacts is irrelevant at the trial stage—where, presumably, his sole concern is going to be himself. If true personal transformation is going to happen, it’s

Things Jezebel is AGAINST (or should be): exploitative garment labor practices/fast fashion, which overwhelmingly places very young women in dangerous work situations overseas. GUESS WHAT JEZZIES? If you want living wages for workers at EVERY STEP of the value chain/production process, and with environmentally

You were never being accused. A legitimate criticism/question was asked, that engages core Jez values (or at least I thought so...) about intersectionality, gender, exposure/celebrity.

Holy crap that’s a rude response! Choices are still made in Tweet Beat, adding to the overall portrayal of certain celebs on this site. The criticism about Jez constantly publicizing Caitlyn in a positive light (or at least neutral light, as in this Tweet) is valid.

True, but positive changes in corporate culture are infinitely more likely to happen once improved parental leave policies are in place. This is a necessary and unavoidable first step, and other companies should follow suit.

Brazil. Dominican Republic. Institutionally and violently anti-Black. Make your point about virulent anti-Black racism in the USA, but don’t go making grandiose and factually inaccurate statements in an attempt to give your statement more heft.

I agree with the heart of your argument and there are all sorts of centuries-old problems with white upper class feminism, but I still think modern feminists have a huge debt to these second wave (white, upper class) feminists, as they were the ones that got so many laws passed that 21st century women (including

I agree with the heart of your argument and there are all sorts of centuries-old problems with white upper class feminism, but I still think modern feminists have a huge debt to these second wave (white, upper class) feminists, as they were the ones that got so many laws passed that 21st century women (including


yes yes yes. Fat Acceptance movement has burnished the acceptability of Fat Women as clothing consumers, and shifted the priorities around marketing (e.g. Dove’s infamous Real Bodies campaign). But the underlying structures enabling the policing female appearance remain untouched, the (largely female) garment workers

interesting....can you post some links?

The two Title IX suits against Kipnis were filed by *graduate* students — so age 22+ (and in my experience, more generally in their late 20s and early 30s). At what point does the coddling of the young/immature/inexperienced stop?

Ok, it took me awhile to get this. But when I did, GOLD!!!

without any substantiating information, these are just random attacks. nice try, though.

That’s what makes this case even stranger — the two Title IX suits were filed by *graduate* students — so age 22+ (and it my experience, more generally in the late 20s and early 30s). Hardly (I presume....) narcissistic, coddled, immature 18-19 year old undergrads.

Perfect reply!! I think Jane Marie had a deadline she forgot about/blew off, and then tried to cover her tracks. “Guys, hold still, one second, it’s for workkkkk.”

My grandpa used to run into Alice Cooper on a golf course in the Valley (in LA) all the time! They ended up playing together a few times. My grandpa was in his 70s and he said that Alice Cooper was a such a gentleman. And a damn fine golf player!