Womp Thing

That’s great and all, but it doesn’t matter for several reasons, the first being that this is a basic review of a streaming tv show on a media site gutted by investor vultures.  Get a grip.

Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie, MUTHAFUCKAAAAAAAS!!!

Shaun with the “Women can be funny!” line killed me.

Sarandos too. Like, the loopholes these guys find are why everyone in the industry except execs are getting paid less than they were 10 years ago, you’re not going to reason with them. Their goal is to one day have a company with only middlemen, jacking each other off and giving notes.

So good, they cast 2 Daario Naharis...es.

this won’t be good but I respect that he ripped off lightsabres. most directors wouldn’t have the balls.

The masculine urge to run one’s fingers through wheat fields

I know this is bad and serious but man, when I say I raced down to the comments to see if anyone had noticed this...


If ever there was a time for the person who often posts stills from the Simpsons here, I’d say now was that time.

Yeah, it’s not a mistake, it’s just really poor writing.

This gets a finale, but I don’t get a proper ending to GLOW?! Fuck you, Netflix.

I watched to the videos too, and found them very tongue in cheek.

This is how much of a cunt Musk is: he made me root for Mark fucking Zuckerberg

Dear government of Malaysia: If you really wanted $2.7 million from me, you shouldn’t have let me leave the country”. 

“I’m sorry for kissing a man, Malaysia. Here’s your $2.7 million.”

Pretty sure the result of this alternative timeline would have meant that both movies would have sucked instead of just Covenant, so I can’t share the sentiment.

So cool that G/O Media moved AVClub from Chicago to LA so we could get pointless bullshit like this

Creepshow was his best movie. The dead movies all fell off after Dawn.

I’ve been waiting for this for years! he’s going to piss all over them right?