Womp Thing

If they’re changing Superman they need to also change Lex Luthor. Get rid of the twitchy Mark Zuckerberg convict and replace him with a belligerent CEO turned Presidential nominee running on an ‘anti-(illegal) alien’ platform.

Norm literally made Frank Stallone into a punchline. On Stallone's Wikipedia page, the section about the joke is longer than his actual career.

I’ve actually started breaking into random people’s houses at night to turn this feature off on their TVs. Naturally, I’ll take any valuables or liquor I see lying around as payment for my services.

I’m so psyched for the next “last” Joe Bob marathon. Streaming issues be damned, that thing was some of the most fun I’ve had watching horror movies in years. He hasn’t lost a single step. 

Why does Nicky Minaj suuuuuuck so muuuuuch? I’m shaking my wrists like someone trying to shoo a fly off, trying to articulate how awful I find her. She’s like a product of market research on boiled ham; her image is apropos of an underground fetish comic with proportions by Rob Leifeld. Her music is boring, yet

When Daredevil’s not on screen, everyone should be asking, “Where’s Daredevil?”

It was a misquote. They meant to say that she was “full of shit”

I really wish she could get cast as Squirrel Girl if SG ever comes to the MCU. Purser has expressed enthusiastic interest, but so has Anna Kendrick, and I think Kendrick would probably win out. As much as I like Kendrick, Purser just screams SG to me. 

I always loved how Raimi aped this panel with this shot from Spider-Man 2:

FU-2? Hot damn, that’s edgy!

You can torrent a pretty decent negroni these days.

Imagine having a publicist who is so bad at their job that they called a 3rd tier newspaper to feed them the story about how their client so graciously thanked some nobody for not talking to them.

Can’t wait for all these super niche streaming services to fail and consolidate so we basically just end up with cable packages all over again.

Yes, because comedians, as part of their job, have access to people's naked bodies in a closed room with no witnesses. It's pretty much exactly the same. 

What a ridiculous, hamfisted analogy.
Receiving medical care is a NEED. Attending a comedy performance is 100% optional.
You’re reaching so hard, you’re gonna need a back-brace.

Of course, Camille could have taken a blue bottle and her suspicions to the police rather than allow herself to get poisoned nearly to death. But then, those would have been the actions of a sane reporter.

+1 bottle of milk backed securities

Does it even make sense to theorize about something if it's already been laid out in the book? I don't think they are going to change the murderer's identity simply to fool everyone.

Different strokes....but I was in college in 1998. Frat guys listened to DMB, Sublime and Bob Marley mostly.