Now that's a novel idea.
Now that's a novel idea.
Can't make everybody happy all of the time. And if people really start boycotting Whedon's Batgirl movie, I'll be super upset.
aw c'mon, Constable Bob vs. Yolo was great.
Annie's boobs, but she also seems insanely damn skinny, so Annie's boobs-lite.
I know that's a common thought, but there'll always be things happening and people doing things in the world that you're not privy to due to a number of reasons; different social circles, that type of news doesn't travel to your town, etc. Always new things out there to discover. Ain't life grand?
ur welcome
I always thought these were a sham, that you actually had to buy your own star, which doesn't seem like something Yankovic would do. Who's in charge of this type of thing?
Like they weren't ready for this. Rake the old bastard in the coals.
He got what he wanted, cast in the X-Files (in the only good episode at that), and he quit while he was ahead
Good! Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you!
It's distracting, but the staffs usually great, and they have space to move around in the theaters. It's when you notice a problem with the bill they bring out half hour before the movie ends (that you can barely see in the dark as it is) that things get difficult.
I'm at the point where I could afford to eat out for lunch more often, but I have a desire to stop gaining weight, so I do everything I can to not eat out all week. Course I'm spending $60 a week on Blue Apron, so I guess I'm just allocating my meal money elsewhere.
I've been reading DC Comics since I was 8, and I was trying for the life of me to figure out who the fuck that was up top. So, now I know I'm at least not as big a nerd as I could be.
Dragonboy Suede's going to be pissed.
Ghost threesome, baybee
Yeah, Kong don't fuck with no old broads.
Hair grows quick when you're dead I suppose. Same went for Supermans dope mullet after he came back from the dead.
Seems like we're jumping a few hurdles to some oddly quick conclusions there buddy. Perhaps I just didn't like this episode because it's plot felt too accelerated and slapdash, and had a huge lack of Ehrlich.
Tell pornstache to shrink a foot and we'll talk. Gimme a good stout Wolvie.
Sure, I might stay there, if it wasn't insanely fucking expensive that is.