I keep seeing him pop up in things, and boy does he have the most faking sounding, apparently authentic German accent.
I keep seeing him pop up in things, and boy does he have the most faking sounding, apparently authentic German accent.
Was I the only one that didn't much like this episode at all? Other than Jared's outburst to a much deserved Richard, it felt really sloppy and dumb, or maybe I'm just getting sick of seeing Richard acting like a child and ruining things.
Jason is drum? No, Jason is bell.
This one was weeks away from a DVD release last year before being bought by a different studio, and the release canceled and a theatrical release set for a year later, but the DVD release was close enough so that screeners had gone out so it's been online since like last August. It's totally watchable, the twist is…
Agreed. The only ones allowed to not have internet is this nation's grandmothers, and even then I have no god damn clue how they live without it.
I like my wild west internet as it is, thank you very much.
Quentin Tarantino, sadly the most feminist of male high profile filmmakers.
Clever hermaphrodite I would've accepted.
Clever tranny didn't have the same ring to it.
It's almost quite feminist to have her die with as little bravado or meaning as a male character! Almost.
Good for her for directing! Too bad she's a shitty director! I know it was a comedy sequel so it didn't have much of a chance of being good, but I thought the direction in general, second only to the script, was shoddy as hell
It is, primarily about strange American history, with comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds.
Plenty of bones to grind against, and probably not that much less hygienic then what we do topside!
I was just there a month ago! It is really awesome, and disgusting as you think about it more. Why would anyone think it was a good idea to takes millions of bones, and arrange them artfully for tourists? Apparently it was an enormously popular tourist attraction from the moment it was finished in the 1800s.
A bot that upvotes their own comment, have you no shame bot?
That one's always stuck with me. Always thought it'd make a great little movie, or a good hour of TV on some sort of horror anthology show. Perhaps it'll show up on that Hulu-produced King anthology-or-whatever show, Castle Rock, buttt I doubt it.
Have you seen a picture of Melania's dad? It's frightening. https://www.dailydot.com/ir…
So nice. So niiiiiiice.
It should have had subtitles automatically, I can imagine how annoying that was.
No, we all speak Russian now.