Womp Thing

The Dollop's episode on Uber last week was quite enlightening. Like I knew they were an unethical, bad company in general, but didn't realize they were saying a woman who said uber was unsafe should be held responsible for any rapes in a taxi, most unprofitable company in modern history bad.

Xbox One X = (X³)(1X) = X^4?

So, uh, what was that about? He just a bit of a POS?

They haven't made one bit of effort to make the villain relatable, that guy would never exist in real life, just based on his haircut and skin tone alone!

And now that he's out of a job he can do what he was born to do, play a giant on Game of Thrones.

Absolute fucking highlight of my one time journey to Bonnaroo in 2011 (I think?) was the 'Dirty Puppet Showcase' with muppet puppeteers including Brian Henson. So glad I made it into that. Plus it was air conditioned, and it was probably 110° every day. I lost 10 lbs that week.

Oof, an ABC Family version? That sounds terrible

I just got back from 2 weeks in Paris, Amsterdam and Rome, and while I liked the variety of Blondes and Trippels I got to try, I missed the variety of American craft beer so much.

Grand Rapids is the odd town with a shit ton of breweries and movie theaters. Thank god we aren't the state capitol.

I'm excited for Carrey's new show. I also read today that he may going to court in a wrongful death suit for his ex girlfriend that overdosed on pills in 2015! Guy sounds like a hoot.

I seen't tighter

Here's hoping that the family Jughead is staying with has the last name Spellman.

Still waiting on Teen Wolf Too 2 (Part one)

Hopefully they can address what exactly happened to George Michael's face during puberty.

Going to concerts has gotten difficult for me to enjoy. My wife is 5 foot, so general admission concerts have become just pointless to her. And then I just generally stand around wondering how many songs till the last song. Guess I'm getting old. Now I think I'll mostly save concerts for things I really really wanna

Perhaps you should try new things, my friend. Like Nickelback.

Pretty sure if he had a choice he'd always stay out of drag, but it's just part of the gig.

"You BITCH!"
Loved the Snyder approved cut of the original Superman.

Get Lasik, ya goober. That way these noble politicians can just damage your cornea's or something.

$28! ….plus $6 shipping.