Also, because, duh
Also, because, duh
I absolutely loved this movie when it came out. Such a well crafted/manipulative good vs evil documentary. Damn shame to find out afterwards that Billy eventually got his record back.
Apparently he's directing half of the episodes as well. So, we'll see.
The show will get by, but that really sucks. I've been seeing previews for his HBO stand-up special recently, and it just looks god awful.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It's at least a fun story line for an Elseworlds tale such as this.
wimmy wam wam wozzle!
Nope, this guy said they never used his face
She reports the news. Trump is constantly in the news because he has nefarious ties and suspicious goings on constantly. We shouldn't be ready to call guilty (though there's certainly enough evidence to sway us one way), but you don't think it should even be investigated? Why is Flynn invoking the fifth amendment? Why…
Dawn of the Dead will probably go down as his best movie. He's a fantastic visual director, got James Gunn on the script, a lot of fun actors.
Wonder if this was part of the Batgirl deal, seeing a that was announced at the end of March, or if since he's doing it they asked him to help. So strange to have the guy responsible for The Avengers to help finish DC's The Avengers. Feel so fucking bad for the Snyder family. Hope he stays off Twitter for a while…
My favorite MF Doom memory, I was supposed to go see him and Mos Def in Chicago, I ended up not being able to go, and my friends told me that a dude just wearing the Doom mask came out and was obviously lip syncing and was eventually booed off the stage. Fun!
She always seemed super underrated and underused at SNL. Hoping to keep seeing her pop up in stuff.
Lemonade is really worth watching though.
Yeah but the difference is he actually took it seriously
Well that's good to hear. If it's good I'll watch it, but probably not on some CBS app.
Can we not even joke about this please. If he wants to go into some sort of office, go for it. Not president though.
He's been doing an awful lot of whining about how hard it is and how hard people are being on him. Didn't hear Obama whining, even though he got it much worse (from Trump himself even)
Doesn't he play i-r0k in the movie? Who isn't new or created for the movie? I imagine he's the asshole who thinks he's Boba Fett, unless they're changing him around.
So are they expecting this to succeed when it's only going to be available on an app? Am I an old man yelling at a cloud? Is the cloud sentient?
Correction: They replaced the cast in the 4th installment. Sorry Steve.