
The Ards TT - 30 gruelling laps of a 13.5 mile course in Northern Ireland. Won by both Nuvolari and Carraciola the average speed for the course topped 100 mph on public roads in the final year, 1936. The course can still be driven today and includes the newly resurfaced and a little bonkers Bradshaws Brae. The cars

why not - guns are great!

You're not giving up your guns any time soon, are you?

but you have to agree.........it would be easier to just buy and use a gun! And, in my view, too easy.

Just that guns are probably the best tools. If I am going to be attacked by 'gun guy' or 'hardware store guy' I'm going with hardware store guy............

The argument about the sanity of IOM racing is similar to the one we have here on the lack of gun control in the US.