
Sorry, didn't mean for that to come across as harsh! The gender pay gap is when women as a whole are paid less than men. It averages out to 77 cents on the dollar, although it varies by race and by career. However, it's still there even when education, career choice, family choice, etc. are taken into account.

Ooh, do you mind telling me what kind of work out this is? Or are you also doing yoga?

I have really good insurance, but due to a high prescription deductible, I pay $72 a month for my pills. Yeah, they're brand name, but there's not a generic out yet for this specific one, and it's the fourth brand I've tried and the only one that doesn't make me want to die.

You're not a terrible person for wanting to have sex. In fact, that's pretty darn normal. How you go about this issue, however, is important.

Seriously. I mean, I'm not exactly a fan of Romney's, and I still think calling it brown face may be seriously reaching. A terrible, shitty make up job that makes him look like a pumpkin? Yes. Brown face? Not really... he's usually pretty tan and orange anyways.

You might not want to refer to it as the Twi-Sparkle franchise, lest people think you're talking about Twilight Sparkle, the character from My Little Pony. I was pretty confused for a minute there :).

If you don't have a license or a passport, you don't really have a photo I.D. You can get a regular, state issued I.D. card, but I guess a lot of people just never did? Old people used to have a license, but then it lapsed, and since they're not getting carded to buy booze, they never really had a reason to get an

That is true, and that's definitely a good thing. But the flip side is problematic as well. I've definitely experienced an almost antagonistic attitude towards women in STEM fields who do enjoy traditionally feminine pursuits like fashion. It's like, sure you can hang with the boys, but if you're a girly girl you're

But that also reveals some gender bias. Why can't a princess be a hero, have magical powers, and go on epic adventures? Why can only the princes do that?

I'm in college right now, and Abercrombie was a thing for Middle School, and *definitely* not high school. Abercrombie in high school=overly preppy, lame, freshmen, and boring. Then again, my high school had a large population of hipsters and stoners, but even our lax bro segment didn't do Abercrombie.

Lululemon runs extremely small, which is actually kind of nice for the really tiny people out there (not me). I'm two sizes up from my regular size, but once I'm in the correct size everything is extremely flattering and comfortable.

I can sort of see his thinking, like, "I'm gonna let her boyfriend know so he doesn't think I'm trying to make some sort of move, which would make work really awkward" but still...weird.

Thank you. It really is emotionally difficult to reconcile yourself to "gray" things that happen, because you feel like you either have to be perfectly fine or admit you're a rape victim, define yourself as such, and deal with all the emotional consequences. It makes being in that area even more confusing than it

Ooooh, yes. I love the books, but I'm a liiiittle appalled/not surprised at all by how Capital we are about the whole thing. We're ignoring the death and capitalizing on the entertainment part. We're doing exactly what the book says not to do.

Oh my god! This is so amazing! Thank you so so so much!

Very similar to one conversation I had:

Actually, the negotiation thing isn't totally right. There was a recent study of MBAs, and how negotiation affected the pay gap. They found that when female MBAs employed the same negotiating and career tactics that the male MBAs employed, the women's salaries either stayed the same or *got worse*. The men's improved.

I'm responding to people who respond to me! Is trying to have a conversation now considered bad form?

Um, coffee and milk are fine. Those super sugary coffee flavored drinks? Same categorie as soda-a once in a while treat-just more expensive.

Hm, I thought VioletGatesy was in more of an all or nothing situation; she only drank soda, water was not an option. Look, soda/cupcakes are fine as a once in a while treat, but it's not healthy to live on it. If you're happy with that, good for you! Seriously, go on ahead and do it, it's not that big of a deal, your