Does anyone know where I could watch The Aristocats online? I'm ok with illegal, but I can't torrent, and I'm afraid to download anything else without a recommendation from someone else.
Does anyone know where I could watch The Aristocats online? I'm ok with illegal, but I can't torrent, and I'm afraid to download anything else without a recommendation from someone else.
Aquaman is my favourite too! His powers are the most, well, magical, I suppose.
No. What you're imagining happened.
I feel really bad for her. Clearly, she isn't able to do what she needs to do and distance herself from your boyfriend so that she can get over him. This may be because she thinks she can get him, or because her feelings are too strong for that (been there). So, I think you should talk to your boyfriend and see…
All I want to do is dance (my not-a-dancer version of ballet) in my room in my underwear, maybe have a glass of wine, and go to sleep. But alas! My roommate is here and asleep, I am underage, and I have a research project due tomorrow. Sigh... has free one day shipping both ways! And it has *all* of the shoes!
What do you mean by flush? Drinking lots of water to flush out your system?
74% had health coverage throughout all of last year. If they had any sort of lapse, they'd be in with the 26%. It would be interesting to see what proportion of this 74% only had catastrophic insurance, or insurance with such a high deductible they couldn't use it.
Hm, are you talking about people using them themselves in their own posts (like in groupthink) or complaining about them not being used in articles?
Oh, yes, I know they have. I was talking about things like people saying it before comments in groupthink where they discuss sexual assault/eating disorders/etc.
It would have been something super girly/new age-y, like a my little pony or a neopagan, or I would have been Elizabeth. Probably Princess Elizabeth.
I can understand being annoyed by the privilege thing, but spoiler alerts and trigger warnings? I mean, usually they're there for a reason. I think it's nice for people to be polite about things like that.
Sorry for posting twice, but one more thing: Is anyone else a little bit annoyed how Jez has been acting about spoilers ever since that Hunger Games article where they spoiled the end of Mockingjay? Now, they keep on adding mocking, sarcastic "SPOILER ALERT OMGGGGG"s to tons of articles. Like this one. Are they…
Our generation has a lot of strange conflict with our parents' one. We're dependent on our parents and they're success, yet they're successful peers are part of the reason we can't move up in the world. There aren't enough spaces for everyone.
Well, during Jesus's life he internalized the law. So, murder = anger, lust = adultery, etc. This was on the Sermon on the Mound. The salvation part, and the part that makes love/grace/faith most important is in Jesus's death and the aftermath. Basically, since he died and rose to heaven, if we love him, have…
Yes! There was even a recent study done on women MBAs and the wage gap. They found that women negotiated just as much as men, but still didn't get the same money. When men changed jobs, they usually made more over the long run; when women changed jobs, they usually made significantly less. Here's a Washington Post…
That's what I'm doing already. I'm trying to find stuff within the databases, since apparently, databases think that when you ask for Song Dynasty landscapes, you're really asking about Ming Dynasty Buddhist sculpture. ...
Yeah, unfortunately I'm a lowly college freshman, so being original is just a lot of work :D. I've been trying to find info on each dynasty by itself, but it seems that everything I find is *too* academic/specific. But using the tangential stuff and connecting it is a good idea, thank you!
Thank you! I'll be sure to do that!
Ah, thank you so much! This is super helpful. It's hard because I'm not just looking for analysis of pieces, but of wider societal factors. It's for an imperial chinese history class, not an art history class, but since we could write about culture and I'm also taking Asian Art, I decided to combine the two!