
If you find one, let me know! Basic t-shirts always look terrible on me; the high neckline looks and feels like it's choking me or cutting my neck off, and the cut makes me look much larger than I am. Why aren't there more fitted/flowy v-neck/scoop-neck t-shirts? Why boxy high neck shirts??

$40-$60 is normal for sandals/flats/those kinds of shoes. For boots and heels, $60-$120, depending on how often I will wear them. Oh, and I'm a college student, although not a completely broke one. I'm pretty hard on my shoes, but I like cute ones, so I need a balance of quality, style, and affordability.

I love Southern Song Dynasty landscape painting! Ma Yuan is one of my favourites. I also love Guo Xi, although he's Northern Song, because I love the impressionistic, implied quality of both of their styles of landscape.

Tell him you like him as friends, but don't want a relationship. That they need to work out their relationship, and you can't be the other woman. And if he can't be just friends with you, without the emotions, then you need to get out. If you want a relationship to happen between the two of you, then you need to

In the future, if you need advice try heading on over to #groupthink! It's a perpetual open thread, and it's awesome. Sorry if you already know about this already!

Yeah, the admissions statistics thing is completely different when it comes to state schools. I threw that number out of my head, and I was thinking more of private small schools than big state schools, probably because that's where I looked.

What tablets are these?? Do they work on men?

Ah, you're right! My mind's definitions are a bit different :).

Yeah, the trick is to make it a love letter that actually reveals a ton about you. A lot of admissions people counsel against writing about the school, because often people will do just that; write about the school. They already know the school! They want to hear about you. But a little flattery never hurt anyone

But, tuition is such a tiny, tiny percentage of the money they make. Most of that comes from their endowment. And the Ivies are expanding their aid.

This is true for me, at least! I'm going to a small liberal arts college, and as a freshman there are already two professors I am close enough with to meet outside of class. I get small seminars and individual attention. I'm sure you can find those things at the big schools too, but it sure seems easier to find them

That's maybe true for the second and third tier schools, but not so for the Ivies. They have so much money they don't actually need tuition. I went to an extremely competitive and fairly wealthy public school, where a good number of people went to Ivies. Those kids, though, were *incredibly* smart, incredibly

The worst thing is, they're some of the kindest, nicest, and sincerest people I know. I can't hate them! And they have such a better work ethic than me that I can't even pretend that I deserve their success! Good thing I'm happy at my little school.

I think that people are forgetting that there are a LOT of schools between Ivy League and your local state school. Some state schools are great, but a lot aren't. The ones that are great are getting more and more competitive; I went to a great public high school, and there were people with APs and IBs (the

Interning at magazines should have been a hook. She should have, depending on grades, gotten into tier two schools (the ones that aren't Ivy or basically Ivy. So, schools with acceptance rates in the high teens to low thirties). For the Ivy League? Well, of my friends who are going to Yale, one did a lot of work

But, there's a problem with that too. "Open a small business!" Ok...a small business in what, exactly? Most high school kids don't have the necessary skills and knowledge to open a small business; they usually don't even know enough to know what the business would be. I do wish that more kids who hate learning went

Am I missing something? Or did this article just fail to explain the acronym used in the headline?

Have you heard of "negging"? Because that's pretty much exactly what that guy did. He probably planned it all out. Asshole.

Tell me about it. I was going to go to an awesome party tonight (I very rarely go, because I can't find many that seem worth it and friends who are willing to go with me). But, no, I have to be sick. AGAIN. Third time this year this exact situation has happened.

Doctor Who, but start on Season 5, where there's a new Doctor, a new storyline, an amazing supporting cast, all of the good writers, and much higher production values. If you like it, go back and watch the other seasons!