
I don't know. It's not like they were purposefully white-washing if no black kids auditioned, right? Hairspray is a great musical in terms of music difficulty, dancing, and maturity of roles for young people to put on. And, they did get a dispensation from Musical Theatre International. It's not like they did this

Thank you for expanding on this! Yeah, I know it's worse in the north. Still, though, there *is* a sex imbalance in the south as well. 950-1000 is evidence of sex selection, but not very widespread sex selection. I don't know the breakdown state by state.

Yeah, dowries are a big problem in India, despite there being laws against them. It's not uncommon for the groom's family to extort the bride's family for even more money once the marriage has taken place. If the bride's family refuses, the bride can suffer beatings, have acid thrown on her, and even be burned alive

I takes a while, but it does. Do most people you know believe that the world is flat? That the earth is at the center of the universe, and England at the center of that? No? We don't believe that type of religious doctrine any more because of science.

One more thing: To all the people saying sex selection is an Islamist/Muslim thing: If that were the case, then why do India and China have the worst sex ratios?

So..what. We shouldn't try to use logic and reason? What do you propose we use, then? More bigotry?

See my comment above. It's an issue, but not in Afghanistan. Yet.

*Gets out textbooks from last semester. Knew this would come in handy.*

Angelina Jolie is beautiful. That being said, she has recently been looking a bit..wan. It's not just that it seems like she's lost a significant amount of weight. There are tons of very thin women who are naturally thin and their bodies are happy the way they are. But, there's something about a lot of recent Jolie

So, young people of my generation are entitled and lazy and expect to skate by and have everything handed to them. When some of us try to live frugally and responsibly because people of our parents' generation wrecked the economy, what, now we're cheap? How does this make any sense??

Hooray, MoCoPo! (From a Bethesda-ian.)

I'm from Bethesda, where this occurred. I have to say, the 2nd most horrifying part of the case (the 1st would be the murder) is the fact that the Apple store employees heard what was going on. Their stores are next door to each other, and the Apple employees could hear some screams (this was from a back room, not

Just a warning, I've heard of women (including some Jezzies) losing sensitivity in their nipples after they got them pierced. For some, sensitivity increased. But it seems like some type of change to sensitivity happens to a good amount of women after getting their nipples pierced.

Just a warning, I've heard of women (including some Jezzies) losing sensitivity in their nipples after they got them pierced. For some, sensitivity increased. But it seems like some type of change to sensitivity happens to a good amount of women after getting their nipples pierced.

Privilege isn't an individualized concept, it's a structural/societal concept. One specific man may not be better off than another random specific women, but that doesn't mean society, as a whole, on a structural level, will treat him differently/better because he is a he.

I'm mighty confused as well.

Me! Do I still count as a teen if I'm in college?

You don't become a teacher for money or glory, but sometimes the lack of it can turn teachers bad. I've known some really bitter, really *mean* teachers. Not every teacher is noble, and of the ones that aren't outright mean or completely apathetic, I'd say at least half are downright incompetent. I can count the

I hide keep my cellphone in my boots a lot, too, although they're not Uggs and look like they have a snugger fit. Next up, kids will be hiding them in pants pockets! Sweatshirt kangaroo pockets! Backpack pockets!

Do you have any good websites you'd recommend for horoscope information for this year? All the websites I've come across seem really..brief/incomplete.