I love some of these clothes individually-especially that purple outfit from the first picture-but all together they SCREAM incoherency. There are about three different collections smashed together here.
I love some of these clothes individually-especially that purple outfit from the first picture-but all together they SCREAM incoherency. There are about three different collections smashed together here.
I think it partly has to do with the fact that another thread a little while ago had TONS of commenters blaming the person for having their ipad stolen. Also, I read the last paragraph as making fun of the mothers with expensive strollers, not as making fun of the person who believes that those mothers deserve to…
Well, doing drugs is still illegal, and it is a costly habit. I understand not wanting to subsidize illegal activity. (This would apply to checks/cash, not food stamps.) When the government is giving you money to survive, it's not that weird for them to want to make sure you're not using the money for drugs.
Um, no. Just because you bought something expensive doesn't mean you deserve to have it taken from you. Even if it's more expensive than the norm. If I bought a 40k car, which is more expensive than a lot of cars, does that mean someone has the right to come along and carjack me? Sheesh.
Not only was it a hipster thing way back then, but it's still a hipster thing now! My hipster friends told me about it a year or two ago, if you ever talk about odd diseases or weird historical happenings around hipsters (a surprisingly common occurrence in my life) this dancing epidemic WILL come up.
I completely agree with you, and think Jezebel was a little harsh on the program. It makes sense to not want to give government assistance to people who are drug addicts, and since addicts typically don't have that much money, it's not that big of a stretch to think that they may be applying for government aid. I…
Same! I was SOOO excited when I found out, only I then remembered that we just got rid of Starz.... Urgh.
I never get constipated, so much as just not pooping for a couple days. It happens a lot, but I never notice it since it's not like I need to poop and can't; I just don't need to. I think it could be part of why I have to be extremely careful about what I eat just to stay average, even though I'm still officially a…
I always get bloated badly during my period, not before. I get a little bad before, but nothing outside my normal weight fluctuations. I bloat and debloat allllll the time, but my period just makes me bloated for seven days, instead of the normal 2-3 day instances.
I've heard that drinking lots of water helps with bloating. Also, bananas. Their potassium helps with bloating. Personally, I've found that citrus-y foods always make me feel less bloated, even though I'm not sure that it actually makes me look less bloated.
Wasn't this a thing is a book where humankind couldn't reproduce anymore? Children of Men or something like that? It was one of the ways people dealt with infertility when there weren't even *other* people's babies to hold and see and all those sorts of things.
I'm on seasonique, and I LOVE it. Lovelovelove. However, some things to be aware of: If you're prone to yeast infections, be careful, as it makes you even more prone. I never had any before going on it, and now I've had two (in a year of being on it). Also, if you're not really good about taking it, or you have to…
Dont worry! Pottermore will be here soon, when you can get a JK Rowling approved sorting and wand! And you can learn even more things about other characters and the world and all sorts of things!
Argh. I tried to change my settings, but even though I never touched the replies part, it expanded all the replies and STILL doesn't show all discussions, only the promoted ones.
Maybe after a little while he'll start following your lead and will get better? That's what happened with my boyfriend. (He was a little...overenthusiastic at first.)
Is there any way to make "Show all discussions" the default setting? I like reading people who haven't yet earned a star or are commenting on an article where there's no star to promote everyone. Also, I like seeing my own comments show up when I check back hours later... Not that I'm self-absorbed or anything.
I love the Sephora brand eyeliner. Not necessarily the flashy sparkly kind, the regular black or brown kind is great. It's super creamy, gets down into the lashline (I have a problem with this with pencils. It's one of the few pencils I don't need to combine with a liquid liner to get rid of the skin line between my…
I thought this billboard was saying the Open was the major attraction, not the golfer. Who is golfing. Were they supposed to also show her reading books, directing a business, and camping? They're using a famous golfer to market a golf tournament. Why the offense?
You may not think that accusing a victim of being a prostitute is a smear campaign, but, I'd venture a guess and say that it would discredit her in the eyes of a majority of Americans. This is unfortunate, but true.
I remember having a speaker in my Stat class who actually worked with some study that was incredibly similar, if not the same one. (I'm pretty sure she worked in this department.) She said that the statisticians had to constantly fight the people who were writing the briefs for accuracy, and that they usually lost. …