Wolverine DoppelShane

If you're not watching Banshee on Cinemax, you are missing out.

Wait, why would anyone go to dailymotion, then?

Man, she really Britta'd Dakota Johnson's promising career.

Yo, who here dares slander the good name of Ben & Kate? I will not tolerate such sacrilege!

Since nobody's pointed this out, I'll mention that Common's Oscar came this year for Best Song for Selma's "Glory".

Stargate Universe was cancelled because of Google Image Search? What?

I didn't even know Pawnee knew about The AV Club.

Let me introduce you to something called Google Image Search.

It's actually Katherine.

Khan. Kamala Khan is the name you're looking for.

Breitbart's website is that-a-way.

She's on tv now, in the CBS series Extant.

That's actually the (fictional?) name of the town the show is set in, Banshee Pennsylvania.

And honestly, given a choice between seeing Emma Stone drone on about how good Amazing Spiderman 2 is or seeing her lip sync a Ludacris song, I'll pick the latter, no matter how good the interviewer is. Charlie Rose isn't going to be grilling her on the press tour.

Tried to destroy? He did more than just try.

I'm flattered you took time out of forwarding chain emails to respond with such a witty, cutting remark. I eagerly look forward to the sequel where you call me 14.

Yes, that was my intention, and I totally didn't get mixed up on who was fictional and who was real between Tracy Jordan and Tracy Morgan. Don't believe anyone who says otherwise.

What has, celebrities on late night shows?

It actually did happen, and @Jay G.:disqus has graciously provided proof.

Here's the thing; if you're making people feel bad to raise a larger point, that's good. That's the kind of stuff Richard Pryor used to do, the kind of stuff Amy Poehler does now. If you're making people feel bad just to feel bad, then you're a dick, and you're no better than bullies who ostracise people for liking