Wolverine DoppelShane

How is 90s Arnold not being Bane "nice" in any way?

A question that has been asked of many Weird Al songs.

"We are Miracle Whip, and we will not tone it down."

Oh, most certainly. There are a lot of good things about that movie, up to and including Brett Gelman chasing Will Ferrell.

And he's almost always the best thing in them anyway. The Other Guys standing as a notable exception, where he and Jackson were only the second-best things to Michael Keaton.

The key difference is that I can't pay for hookers and blow with AVClub likes, sadly.

A yam?

Oh, I have no problem with the article. I just wish we could've gotten it without the existence of this kickstarter.

This is less of a "Great job, Internet", and more of a "What the fuck, Internet."


hashtag daytime tv logic.

Mayer's primarily a guitarist anyway.

He pops up in Person of Interest every so often, and I think he's a regular on Night Shift.

I somehow figured this was going to be a newswire about Constantine.

"I'm content to let others do the curating"

No, Fox has New Girl for that.

Nope. It's a growing medium that's still finding its footing and its voice, and right now, it has a ridiculously low barrier of entry and no real restrictions, which means it provides an opening for a lot of people who might otherwise not get a break. This is just another extension of the "books are better than

I thought the premise of that show was a thin excuse to have Mindy Kaling get into a bunch of faux relationships with attractive men.