Wolverine DoppelShane

I couldn't help but notice there's a token black woman in there. I know the Jeopardy contestant pool is more diverse than that tumblr implies.

Is it really necessary to have to explain this everytime? Shows are graded against themselves, not against each other. a grade of B for OUAT is not the same as a grade of B for True Detective.

It's a good thing you posted this, because you had me seriously confused for a second about what you could have possibly meant about the friend going terminal and the showbiz lifestyle.

I have discovered that "Classic Poe" is the perfect add-on to any statement.

We shall go back in history to find Edgar Allan Poe was also a Follower.

I haven't really gotten that sense either.

Comparing The Following to Hannibal is like comparing a cool summer breeze to volcanic lava.

Well, not everyone in 24-verse is a mole, but literally everyone in the Following-verse is a Follower (including Ryan Hardy, which will be the series finale twist, probably), so I'd say the latter.

Yeah, they haven't been as clear on the DRN backstory as they should, so it is all kind of muddy.

As I understand it, there was a lot of public backlash against the DRNs, which no doubt contributed to their abandonment. I don't think the protestors would've taken kindly to them doing any kind of security (repair work is another matter).

Fuck yeah, The Following*!

Ideally, the show should have ended with them getting married, or the birth of the older of the two kids, with the Mother getting introduced right around season 6, I agree. With the bevy of women Ted has dated, they could easily have kept it a secret that this new romantic love interest is the titular mother.

With Birch, as I understand it, her father/manager was kind of a dick who ended up burning a lot of bridges for her professionally, so that may be part of the reason. But regardless, I'm with you, we should be seeing more of Suvari and Birch. Even if it's a middling sitcom, they might be able to do something with it.

Mena Suvari is 35?!?!? Whoa, American Beauty was a long time ago, wasn't it?

Damsels In Distress and To Rome With Love, according to IMDB.

I think asking for Smulders as compensation for taking Bieber is a fair price.

The first one kick-started his resurrection, definitely, but his role on HIMYM is the one that carried the ball down the field.

Actually, let's go ahead and do just that.

Jason Segel did manage to ride HIMYM all the way to A-lister status, and Neil Patrick Harris owes a lot of his on-screen career resurrection to it, so the idea isn't impossible.

I would approve of this only if one of the gay guys was Max Blum.