
The only possible way of damaging a fuel pump when racing is repeatedly racing with very little fuel in the tank. This prolonged use with little cooling can theoretically can stress the pump from heat. Of course the same habit in street use would cook it just the same. Fuel pumps are on or off. What the engine does

GM bailing on India? But why?

Wrangler has to be on the list. Obvious choice but for a reason.

I’ll take an AEV Prospector XL any day over one of these.

Yearly testing for senior citizens and affordable mass transit. Until then, stories like this one will be all too common.

COTD right here.

“What were you thinking? You could have been robbed!”


“you know what?”

Good ole Methfield, he coulda been something...

For the love of God, why? I’ve been to war. There is nothing good or glorious about it. Yet Trump has to wave his dick around, which will only get a lot of good people killed. He already dropped a MOAB in the middle of a diplomatic crisis with Russia, signaling that he will go all the way up to using nuclear weapons,

They’re on a road to nowhere, and they may end up paying Stewart’s legal bills. This case has no merit whatsoever.

Aston Martin Vantage Zagato called and would like its taillights back

Pretty sure that they can’t decide not to serve you at 30,000 feet. At some point you are a passenger on their plane and they can’t kick you off.

It makes you wonder what protection you’d have legally if you’d jumped in to help this guy being assaulted by non-cops. I’m guessing none.

Park City is still far better than CO for a quick weekend trip though. Unlike the good skiing in Colorado, you don’t have to burn 3 hours getting there after you land. This isn’t a commentary on which actually has better skiing, just that they all have good skiing and Park City is way more convenient for short trips.

Another great post. Thanks for explaining. Good points. I still think though that if the software / firmware is made transparent - effectively open source - then that resolves these kinds of issues. Take for example the encryption software everyone uses: OpenSSL. That software is some of the most important code on the

It is that ready.