
People also should keep in mind... in ADDITION to sales tax, and shipping fees... You have import tax on this beast too.... plus (as much as people may think it’s a “Duh” situation), you STILL have to get this car approved for import which means getting a letter from Cadillac and filling out all the appropriate forms.

It’s not crazy.

Wear your jeans below the bottom of your butt crack with your boxers fully showing. Chew tobacco and spit on the ground. Always have 3 sketchy women with you at all times. Have no “inside voice” and user four-letter words in every sentence. Wear lots of Drakkar and an oversized ball cap. Pull out four of your visible

+1 for “Goon” clip. Great, underrated movie.

I’m sorry for your gain.

Hi fellow Wyomingite/teton county resident

That, or a coffin.

No one is saying they deserved to die. Everyone is saying that the actions of the girls directly caused their deaths. Not because of the inactions of the police.

Perhaps I haven’t searched hard enough, but I don’t think anyone is saying they deserved to die because they ran from cops. They died because they made a mistake. You can’t blame the officers for not risking their lives to save theirs. Police have an obligation to do whatever they can within reasonable limits, but

When was this car ever cheap?!

Autoerotic incineration?

The ad is to satisfy the wife - “Sorry, hon, couldn’t find a buyer. Guess we’ll have to keep that stupid machine that I spent all my loving time, money, and thought to restore. You’ll just have to do your CrossFit in the driveway.”

Similar to the stupid reasons about why it’s illegal to import a 1996 Mini with airbags and fuel injection, but it’s perfectly fine to import a 1990 Mini without airbags and with a carburetor, even though that’s obviously less safe and less clean, and they’re on the same chassis!

So let me get this straight. If I wanted to import a JDM D16 straight from the homeland to drop into my Civic wagon, that’s fine, but if I wanted to import an ‘89 Civic with a ‘91 drivetrain already swapped in, that’s a no go?

Jesus, it sounds like he’s trying to get it registered in California or something.

EPA: We’ll get to the lead poisoned water in Flint right after we crush these cars.

Indeed. The only way to justify a Volvo engine at a 6 figure price is if it has 8 cylinders, has been worked over by the boffins at Yamaha and then slid gently right in the middle of a chassis in an industrial estate in Leicester. And is a Noble.

I completely agree. No way I’m spending $85K on a 4 cylinder SUV. I don’t care how much crap they bolt on to it to make 400HP. 400HP doesn’t always feel like 400HP when it’s strapped into a 5100lb vehicle and accelerates 0-60MPH in 5.8 seconds. The supercharged V-6 Q7 with 333HP does 0-60MPH in 5.7 seconds. So 400HP

Needs a custom license plate - "APOLLO13". Been to the moon and back but didn't land there...