
The JS Cummins study above notes that there’s a “higher degree of protection in patients with seatbelt-plus-airbag in comparison to occupants who used seatbelts or airbags alone during the crash”. That quote is from Seatbelt versus seatbelt and airbag injuries in a single motor vehicle crash, which found the same

The things people do to avoid a pelican... also pretty sure that a lambo.

Has it figured out yet that people who drive Lexus RX’s are the least interested in driving out of anyone on the road, and therefore, will always make the worst decision possible?

It’s ok Matt. If you want to return... we’ll be there for you.

You don’t need a boat.

If this takes off (and for the love of all that is good, I hope it doesn’t), here are some things I plan to invent:

My Dad once swung a big block Roadrunner around to fit in a tight parking space by doing a burnout (The car was huge and had a crap turning radius for where we were trying to park it). Looked right at me and said “Don’t do that”

I’m pretty sure they make more than $130K.

I call it a handbrake. For most emergencies in a car, the handbrake should also not be pulled. It should only be pulled in extreme cases of desired sikkkkk oversteer.

Now playing

Somewhat amusing. Funny how big / slow a truck looks when trying those moves.

It went over my head. What’s the joke?

a small pipe actively trying to suck on your penis while you are controlling 2 tons of metal at 65mph

Up next, an in-depth comparison between the driving ability of the average Angeleno and a box of hair.

Most people freak out at this.

Because it’s too steep, and they don’t know how to drive up.

He signed the waiver. I feel for him, but he signed the waiver, which exists to prevent this kind of guy from suing and ruining it for everyone.

We live in a world where a cop who gets caught on video being friendly is disciplined while others that get caught on video actually murdering people are unpunished.

“Negotiate like a man”? A real man’s got actual responsibilities and precious little time to shoot the shit with the likes of you.

You sell used cars, amirite?