Kanye East

This is actually the third dunkey video they've covered

It was the other way around, but yeah, the hype was off the charts

Almost every card revealed has some sort of hero power interaction. I can’t wait to see what sort of nonsense is going to happen this expansion.

Riot has already stated multiple times that Poppy is getting a full rework, similar in scope to the Sion rework. She’s basically going to be like a new character.

Actually, it’s exactly the opposite. I was a hardcore raider from Vanilla Molten Core up until Firelands in Cata. The level of coordination required to down bosses like H Lich King 25m and H Ragnaros 25m is much higher than pretty much all the 40 man content. H Lei Shen 25 man and Mythic Blackhand are some of the most

If he was a man? Are you serious? Woshige had no business standing up and celebrating over taking a round. You might not think this tournament is a big deal, but Evo is the largest fighting game tournament in the world. Close to a thousand players entered in the GG:Xrd tournament, and the winner is taking home an

But Blizzard has taken that “you know what you did was wrong” approach before. Entire raiding guilds have been given short term bans for exploiting bugs in bosses and the LFR system.

There are some common ones, like no throwing or running out the clock. When MvC2 was released on XBLA, I used to play it all the time. The game is super broken and imbalance, but it’s still one of my favorites. I got a voice message from some guy after a ranked match that said, “You’re such a pussy. All you do is jump

As a long time fighting game player, it annoys me when someone tries to frame the game using their own personal rule sets. Every time a player loses to “spamming,” it’s because they failed to adapt to their opponent.

I see a lot of comments about how these tokens are going to be expensive due to the nature of the AH and player set pricing . This actually won't be the case, as the tokens will sell for a set amount of gold. This isn't mentioned in this article, but it's mentioned in the Blizzard post.

The first image is a skin called Giant Enemy Crabgot. The second image is his default skin

The crab is a skin called Giant Enemy Crabgot. The second image is his default skin.

He's in the upper right of the third card

Zero Mission is a remake of the original metroid. There hasn't been a remake of Super Metroid yet.

That game is amazing. The speed run of the game is fairly entertaining as well. A lot of precise movement involved.

Hide helmet and hide cloak have been in the game since its release

The update is free as long as you have a copy of the game. You're not paying for any of these new "features"

Many top players have demonstrated that it is possible to hit legendary without sinking any actual money into the game. Also, the arena mode is $2 per entry, or 150 gold, so it's not like you have to spend money on that either.