Kanye East

I feel that a common mistake a lot of beginners make is overextending in arenas. They commit a lot of minions to the board, which is susceptible to mass removal, and also forces topdecking if they don't have any way to draw extra cards. Most players will always take something like Swipe, Flamestrike, or Consecrate if

Season Pass

The mage I created at the beginning of MoP has never portaled or teleported to Exodar. I still go to the other cities to run low level raids, but I've never had a reason to go there.

It depends on which ruleset is used, but for most games, time starts as soon as you start the game/select the file. They stop time as soon as you lose control over the character and the game takes over.

The Cowboy Bebop movie came out in 2001. Naruto didn't start airing until 2002.

It's a joke within the FGC. During tournament streams, regardless of what was being played, tons of people in the chat would constantly ask, "When's Marvel?"
Eventually it turned into a running joke in the community

They also made Raskulls, which is a pretty solid XBLA title

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I'm super excited for the movie, but I know I'm going to be slightly disappointed that Rocket Raccoon won't sound like he does in UMvC3

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Die Hard is the best Christmas movie. Period. Honorable mentions go to Jingle All The Way and A Charlie Brown Christmas.

I've spent way more time with Picross 3d than I care to admit. It's pretty addicting.

Corinth is famous for its leather!

Well, hookah smoke is filtered through water, and is usually not acrid or heavy, but the heaviness will actually vary by brand and how much heat is applied. I would say hookah smoke is less damaging, but the problem is that hookah is done for much longer periods of time. I would say my average session is probably

As a former "obsessive" DDR/ITG player myself, I can say that the home versions are terrible for the most part. Regardless of the quality of the pad, you just can't get the same experience at home, even with Cobalt Fluxes. All the local players here, and also many others judging from community forums, would much

I worked at Best Buy for several years, and I can tell you that they don't match any sort of "buy x get y amount free" deals from other retailers, just prices. If a sales associate on the floor told you that the store does, chances are they're wrong. I worked in customer service for a good chunk of my time there, and

Flocker, one of the players mentioned in the article, just recently won Evo2k13 with a Zero team. He can kill a character off of a stray hit confirm from anywhere on the screen, provided the player's execution is good. His mixup potential on an incoming character is also absurd. One wrong guess and the incoming

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This match actually happened in that same tournament, and it was a glorious sight to behold.

In most fighting games, controlling space and distance are what separates decent players from great ones. I guarantee that if a casual player were to just "spam" fireballs, they would EASILY get blown up by any competent player. Pros use fireballs to control space, force their opponents to stay on the defensive, or to

They've already announced that if you purchase the disc version, you get all the costumes released up to that point at no extra charge.

$15 for five characters is a steal considering what other games have been charging for just one character. Jill/Shuma were $5 a piece in UMVC3, all the characters in MK9 are $5 a piece unless you purchased a season pass, and all three DLC characters in Blazblue Continuum Shift were $7 a piece.