Wolfstone is informative

[double-post deleted]

@The_Sporean_Bob: Agreed. Most hardcore nerds with whom I have discussed the show love it. And mundanes who have nerds in their lives love it, too.

@BishopBlaize: No. No, I'm afraid there really aren't enough bacon ideas here.

@blyan is nominal too?: Please elaborate. Are you slamming the mom, kid, media, breeders in general, game maker, or whoever put the game there?

@Fanboy: I am a parent. My daughter is now plenty old enough to vote, but I do remember that kids can get into trouble very quickly.

@Arken: I remember something like this:

@bennyaltuca: Of course this has been thought of before. In Robert A. Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", the lunar colonies use railguns to ship barges of grain to Earth. When the colonies declare independence, they throw rocks instead. And you don't even have to throw them very hard, because when you are at

"It's nearly impossible to keep such an API hackproof"

@Boding: Yes, but that would require that every shot at the enemy be matched by one shot in the opposite direction. Sure hope there are no friendlies behind you! You would also have to have an incredibly strong supporting structure so that the two shots cancel each other, rather than rip up the ship. Don't forget all

@senorbelly: Not really. As General George S. Patton said, "The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."

How about this instead of a single-tasker...

@PHXPhoto: It only works for me if you can print/reprint custom cards, perhaps using pre-perforated cardstock with embedded RFID tags.

@Gawkboy: Probably both. Some cards could represent singles, others albums or boxed sets.

Looks like official confirmation that there will no longer be separate deals and apps. I was wondering if putting them back together was a temporary thing or not.

@kagekiri: I don't know much about voiceprinting, but thought that part of what it analyzes is how sounds are shaped by the structure of your mouth, tongue, nasal cavities...

@Curves: From your lips to God's ear!

@kagekiri: Not a good idea, because it's obviously fake. They'll toss that data point. A better approach would be to have something realistic, but not your natural voice.