Wolfstone is informative

@largirl is about damn ready.: It probably is a stock photo. But the source does not matter, so long as it is an accurate representation of the type of image you can get out of machines like this.

The images posted for this story are very blurry.

What form of dynamic response does TSA have ready in the event that they detect something?

@JonGrant: Everybody goes through some form of metal detector. If you want to skip the walk-through, you get an extra thorough going-over with the wand.

@Willard Fillmore: Well, yeah. But in your case, I'm certain that it's all true as treacle!

@Fierock: Yes. That is usually where supernumerary nipples appear.

@botanicidal: Switching nipples may improve the aesthetics, but probably play hell with the nerves. Perhaps a less-drastic moving the tissue around would retain some feeling there.

"I guess it beats a slide ruler."

@JonGrant: Not all airports have the body scanners yet. If you are (randomly selected) for body scanner, you can elect instead to be groped. If you refuse both, you can't fly.

@slim934: "I am fairly sure that one cannot be arrested for something like that."

@Skunky: No. It's pretty well established that behaviors become fixed over time, and independent of the hormonal influences that nourished them during youth.

@slim934: No. That would get the father thrown in prison for "terrorist threats'

@Keav: "blindness and terrible burns?"

@Lupison: Nah! Just mod a WickedLasers Spyder III Pro Arctic Laser. Looks a lot more like a light saber from the get go.