Wolfstone is informative

@philphil: You are describing the no-glasses 3D using parallex barrier. They are currently limited to small screens and small viewing angles.

@jiveabillion: You are wrong about the cost of the glasses.

@Basil Khan: It depends. I see three kinds of content.

@sdotbailey2: Sorry, dude, but you violated rule number one - Never ask a question if you aren't prepared to deal with the answer. (But I agree - ugh!)

@Christopher_T: Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain. Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas?

@Kommisar: In California, the only thing you can legally throw out of your vehicle is clear liquid water and feathers.

@zslane: I think you are off a little. The summary said life within the solar system. Think Operation Scoop from Andromeda Strain, not a trip to another star.

@Le SenorNinja: I use several AirTunes speakers throughout the house. Each one uses an AirportExpress piped into small self-powered speakers.

"in the current implementation of JukeBlow, software updates are relatively trivial"

"The representative then asked, 'Do you agree with Lamb Chop, Ms. Lewis?' It took the gallery 1.6 seconds to laugh, the other congressmen 3.5 seconds to laugh, and the congressman who asked the question an excruciating 7.4 seconds to realize the foolishness of his question."

@ryusen: Crazies will spin it as crazies do. No stopping them.

@ryusen: Not at all. If the Pres sends the FBI HRT, or some paratroopers, it's likely violating two clauses of the 1st amendment.

@4thorion: This is not akin to "yelling fire in a crowded theater". In that scenario, gut-level flight-or-fight instincts in everybody will guarantee a stampede.

@bender123: OK, I have a lot more respect for somebody who tried it and didn't like it than folks who never tried it and hate 3D on principle.

@38thsignal: I don't think they all gouge. A few months ago, I bought a 50-inch Samsung. I thought I got a good deal on a nice high-end TV that just happens to support 3D.

@38thsignal: You shouldn't have to pay for this tech that you don't want. I'm not saying you shouldn't get it anyway, but it shouldn't cost you.

@kyokan: There is no real reason for the price difference. Either the manufacturer or the dealer is gouging.

@bender123: Have you tried it in a home setting?

@RainyDayInterns: You know what is involved in active shutter glasses, right? You know that a lot of the 3D haters compain about the glasses being bulky, ugly, cumbersome, and expensive.