
You may have missed the original point - which was that there was no reason for thunderbolt to be "Apple only" - except for the laziness of other manufacturers.

I'm kind of in awe right now by the fact that so many new hires at my workplace have never known what it was like to not have access to computers or the internet. (They equate the two, actually - "standalone" means nothing to them).

When we had a three-day blackout here in Canada, landlines proved pretty valuable. That said: I don't have a landline in my own home now and don't plan to ever get one. They're even taking a lot of pay phones out of commission too, so I guess if the grid goes down for a long time, we're pretty much screwed.

Necessity being the mother of invention (or something like that): there would have been a huge market for his idea, had the company realized the importance of innovation. The BB itself was a huge leap of faith when it first came out - and it paid off handsomely. The ability to value creative thinking involving

That always stuck me as kind of odd too. For a company whose reputation and products are built on excellent, robust and intelligent designs, their earbuds have always bit the big one. Never understood that. On the plus side though: some of the companies who've stepped up have some great replacement headphones and

I hear that Apple is working on a similar concept - but of course they aren't advertising it yet, as usual. Want to make a bet that: a) it'll be way more expensive than anything else out there; b) it won't have as many features as the Google one, but what it does have will work; and c) there will be no ads.

I think the article is bang on the button. It also helps if you truly don't need the job to which you've applied. Like dating, interview performance is all wrapped up in self-confidence, a willingness to step out, irrespective of any worries about how you may come across, and is void of neediness. The best

Anyone who claims to be "married to God" and claims to adhere to the rule on celebacy has my admiration. Anyone who claims to do so and not have sexual inclinations at all has my distrust, because I don't believe it's possible not to have thoughts requiring one to rub one out or "crank the rat" now and then.

That is what he's claiming. That the USB stick wasn't his, and that other people had access to it.

Take the fact that he's a priest out of the equation and......it's still a fairly shocking moment for the accidental viewers. Anyone else who made that mistake at a meeting would be hauled up before his employer for an explanation and maybe even some sort of reprimand or discpline.

Exactly right - our nationalized health care is most definitely *not* free in the true sense of the word. We pay for it collectively and as others have noted, we pay dearly through our taxes. That said, however, we do value our system of health care *very* highly. So highly, that no politician - liberal or

No no, we insist: please take the Bieb's previously unreleased tracks. As a matter of fact, and as a gesture of our good will - why we'll be sending along some of Celine's as well.

It's working for me on Gizmodo, but not yet on gawker.com. Might be a replication problem (servers need to talk to each other to complete the process). I'm betting by later today the problem will be gone.

That's my takeaway from it too. Reducing the number of logins is a Good Deal in my book.

Or perhaps, a flexible screen, like the concept tablet Samsung is working on.

What exactly is your question? Why did Gates fail where Jobs triumphed? Are you suggesting it was all about hype?

Okay that was scene 1. Scene 2 would involve this guy walking into Apple, asking for a warranty replacement.

I hope people go to that link. It's important.

If the problem is one of perception then let me ask: whose perception is of more importance? Those of us who are reading the story, or those who are actively participating?