
Didn't know that. I knew they had just come out with an iPad Opera mini-browser that does that, but didn't realize their main browser operated that way either.

As much as I prefer the iPad, I think you're wrong. There are some things that are innovative about the Fire - they're just not that compelling. Or should I say, they're not as compelling as the iPad.

Couldn't the same argument be made for HP computers versus Macbooks? The former is always cheaper (and is attractive to those who the poorer among us, or the more cost-conscious among us). Yet Apple continues to sell these things like crazy.

As much as I respect Mr. Townshend (and that would be a LOT), he's out to lunch here. Someone else here said it best: adapt or die. The music industry is slowly evolving, much like the book industry and anything else that's mass-produced, and it's up to the artists to keep up with it. No one will be able to

Guess it depends on how you use either device. On my last few business trips I left the laptop at the office and took the iPad, along with my BT keyboard, packed both in a very small briefcase and toted it around. It worked better than the laptop: I was able to take notes during meetings, check my email, etc. and

I think there may be something to that location-aware time zone thing. Here in Canada, Siri isn't location-aware yet, and my iPhone 4S has no problems with battery life. It's just as good as my 3GS was.

Really wish I knew who that was, don't you? I'm really curious as to which politician's policies are so frail that they can't stand the heat of confrontation.

+1 Those who do wrong and want to hide it deserve the full light of day. Hope Google continues down the path of freedom and altruism.

Someone earlier mentioned that Tim Cook responded to an email about the problem with folk having two Apple I.D.s (typically, this has happened when setting up the initial account to allow for the purchasing of songs, etc. on iTunes, before MobileMe was created). The demand was for a mechanism to merge two i.D.s

Before anyone asks - according to the iTunes store blurb, yes it's international in scope and apparently(*1) covers Canadian airlines.

I'd send a congratulatory card to the Libyan government but I'm still confused on the spelling of his name. Guess the secret for that got blown up when he did. #sad

That's a good point. Really, the less restrictions, the better when it comes to opening up Google+ to the world. Just makes good sense.

...and Efrain's II Mexican Restaurant....

There may be a method to their madness on this one. If you're plugging in your iPad or iPhone (or whatever) chances are good that you're not actually using it. Still, if you want it to sync when you don't want to plug it in, you can. You just have to tell it to sync and it will.

Good idea. I could probably ship it to my son and he'd appreciate being able to use it for music only.

I've a 3GS to unload. May have to pay someone to haul it away...

Of course you're right. It just takes a little while to get there for some of us. Those of us who establish the ground rules for what we'll tolerate from the get-go will either will drive the woman away, or we'll have a more peaceable time. In my case, I'd have probably lost her but retained my sanity (and a lot

People told me this before I got married but I didn't believe them.

Have you always only plugged it into your computer? If so, does your computer have Xcode installed?

No problem.