
you aren't me

using the third party "throw your vote away" line from 'Citizen Kang' seems pretty confusing if you are trying to convince people your candidate isn't an evil space alien in disguise

Hi i’m Jolee well i can tell you about my baby furby Baby-Dooay. Well I was out side playing wih my friends and Baby-Dooay was out there cheering me on when it started to rain so i ran inside when i relized i forgot her. I said to my mom “Mom I Have To Go Outside. Baby-Dooay Is Out There”. But She Said “Jolee After

the name AJJ has 3 characters

Mad Max has a cool photo mode for when you want to take a photo of a dog or some sand

it just says 'AJJ' on the back of their world famous 'knife puppy' enamel pins available for purchase at their web store, i think that is enough of a reason to change the name really