
I love breakfast food and a lot can be casseroled but I don’t see how you could make an Eggs Benedict Casserole.

I find it amusing when shows, the Mentalist for example, have it that Sacramento is a quick drive from the LA area when it’s at least a 5 hour drive.

SO since Alan Tudyk is in Powerless I guess I will be watching at least one episode (one more than I was planning prior to seeing him in that promo picture). I just don’t see DC and intentional comedy working...

What a clickbait garbage article.

That’s Baron Zemo? Um, okay. I guess he’s not a completely bland looking office drone.

Wasn’t the original story just about people stuck in a grocery store trying to figure out what to do?

Lol, if you spend $50 to go to the movies you’re doing it wrong.

So a half Asian isn’t allowed to star in a show? There is nothing about Rush Hour that says they have to hire a clone of Jackie Chan to play the role.

You don’t cast an unknown Asian actress in a big budget movie and hope people will still go see it. You cast a big name (ScarJo thanks to Marvel is just that) and build the movie around that casting.

Wait! What? Maleficent 2? Tower of Terror? Mr Toad’s Wild... What the ever-flipping heck?

I’ve been trying to figure out how I feel about Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One. Supposedly they considered Morgan Freeman & Ken Watanabe before deciding on Swinton (not sure of the veracity of that since it’s a bit of trivia on IMDB).

I had the same thought. If this movie name drops Tibet and Tibetan Buddhists it will be banned in China. And that is a market that Disney/Marvel is afraid of losing.

I honestly don’t care and never have. I’m sure some people will be over the moon about it but my geekiness doesn’t extend this far.

Looks good to meet, except Tilda Swinton, and I’m excited to see it!

Though I’ve heard a number of people say it wasn’t that good a game it doesn’t make sense that they canned it so close to release.

What more is there to say within the Terminator storyline? Where do you go at this point? They’ve tried various ideas and I don’t think Cameron can “fix” it.

At one time I was anti-spoiler but then I realized, for me, that my enjoyment of a really good movie wasn’t affected by a little fore-knowledge. It was often heightened because I knew the movie was going to be good from what I’d seen.

Overall I don’t really care if any of the network shows crossover. The filming schedule makes it difficult and would handicap the show (remember season 1 of AoS? Most would agree that it was boring).

I am curious as to who Rey’s parents are since Kylo was able to pull an “ocean” and “island” from her mind.

Marvel still doesn’t have the rights to Spiderman, it’s still Sony. Spidey is a special guest appearance in Civil War and then Cap and/or Iron Man may be in the new Spidey movie.