Shawn Levy, Real Steel
Shawn Levy, Real Steel
Disappointed I missed Kvelertak in DC this past Sunday. Don't really care one way or the other about Cancer Bats. I've seen Black Tusk, and they really need to write better songs.
Everyone knows the H stands for Hoobastank.
Man, I wish I had given so few fucks back then that I'd wear a shirt with a bunch of penises fucking a bunch of assholes to school. But, no, this was just the classic shirt with the big DK logo on the front and the name of the band on the back. That's it. The mere reminder that some Kennedys had died made her choked…
This reminds me of the time my 8th grade Spanish teacher told me she got choked up every time I wore my Dead Kennedys t-shirt. This made me feel bad, and I stopped wearing it, thus firmly establishing me as the wimpiest punk ever.
Yeah, I didn't take you that way. I was just throwing it out there. Also, looking back at the post, maybe it seems a little like I was patting myself on the back for loving these movies — "Look at how open-minded I am!" — which wasn't my intention either.
I'm one of the good ones!
I don't have much of a point to make (or time to make it) right now, but I will point out that I am a straight male, and Un Chant d'Amour is one of my all-time favorite movies, easily in my top 50, and several Kenneth Anger films would be in the running for my personal top 100.
I think your fourth paragraph nails the primary appeal of Hawkwind, actually. They're the musical equivalent of van mural. That's certainly not everybody's thing.
Whoa, I didn't know about that Bob Calvert thing. I better check it out, since I loves me some Viv Stanshall.
Warrior on the Edge of Time was my first Hawkwind, and it's still my favorite. If you're gonna go Hawkwind, you might as well go all the way. All the way … to the edge of time!
Don't worry. You'll get to see it sooner or linklater.
It took the Home Alone 2 approach to sequel-making. Do everything exactly the same, except in a different city.
Reading through the reviews at Fandor, I'd say the response has been overwhelmingly negative, with a very small cadre of defenders and people in the middle.
I can't edit my post for some reason, but I also wanted to add the following:
By law, over-the-air broadcast channels have to abide by a moderately strict decency standard, though this only applies during the daytime hours (6 am - 10 pm, I believe). This standard is set by the FCC and is the subject of endless litigation.
No, there are all kinds of largely context-less, mostly dialogue-free survival movies - Gerry, The Naked Prey, Diamonds of the Night, To Build a Fire, Cry in the Wild, The Bear.
Yeah, it's ridiculous to try to establish some "rule" here (though D'Angelo has seemingly never had an aesthetic preference he didn't want to codify into a general rule). Context, backstory, and characterization are not "writer's crutches" any more than extreme externally-focused minimalism is.
Gaspar Noe.
Shyamalan has never directed someone else's script either. I think OP was saying these are directors he wishes would direct screenplays written by other people.