
I've never been a fan of the '70s singer-songwriter-softies, but for some reason Cockburn (at his best, anyway) really works for me.

Yeah, everything I've read about it makes it sound like an
entertainingly lurid grotesquerie directed in a high-art style bordering

Plus, the best script he ever wrote he didn't direct: Stuart Little!

Grigris, an African film…

It's been pretty resoundingly panned, but Peter Bradshaw gave it 5 out of 5 stars, so it does have its defenders.

Hey, we're Cale-bros!

Username: A name I came up with when I was 16 and have been using ever since. The joke, such as it is, is self-explanatory.

Suicide - Super Subway Comedian
John Cale - Helen of Troy
Owiny Sigoma Band - Harpoon Land (from one of the best albums of the year)
Satanic Threat - Guilty of Hating Christ
Bruce Cockburn - Hand-Dancing

I like to sing the title of My Neighbor Totoro to the tune of Deep Purple's "My Woman from Tokyo."

@avclub-4602fc349ffc0ad649190e937f2a5f14:disqus "Button-down" refers to the collar. Common mistake.

Dammit, Granny!

Does she have cable? Sometimes cable providers give out free premium channels over holiday weekends. So, maybe there's a sliver of hope!

Yeah, @avclub-10002631234370cc43d1ef36d9fd2f5b:disqus is right. This joke is not racist at all. It's a pun on the English language as much as anything. It even works with non-Asian names (stanly, spikely, peggily, etc.)

The Japanese language doesn't distinguish /l/ and /r/ at all. Native Japanese speakers often can't even hear the difference between these sounds at all. That's what produces the "l" for "r" mix-ups (which is called "lallation," a cool word). It happens less frequently with other Asians, but it does still happen. A lot

I mean, women loved him! I didn't see that one coming.

It's shame the word "hipster" has been so degraded into complete nonsense because there are some people out there—including a few I know—who are such fucking hipsters, who fulfill every single terrible stereotype about hipsters (the ridiculous fashion, the Pitchfork-orthodoxy taste policing, the ironization of

One of the less remarked upon greatnesses of Arrested Development was its fantastic taste in terrible men's shirts. George-Michael, GOB, and Tobias all wore some amazing button-ups on that show.

I love how Todd gets to interview a celebrity actor and asks him almost entirely about Mitch Hurwitz and the writers. It's like going on a date with the most popular girl in school just so you can get the low-down on her nerdy sister.

I hoped for the best, but expected the worst from this, and it was okay, if pretty inessential. Personally, I would have preferred 90 minutes of Mel Brooks and David Lynch telling anecdotes about each other.

And let's not forget Nothing But Trouble.