
@avclub-b750f74544cb00c138079607276995e9:disqus gets it totally right. I do think there's some value in relentlessly questioning critical consensus the way Armond does, but you have to do it in an intellectually honest way or else it just becomes an exercise in making the kind of bizarre and meaningless comparisons

I actually own a copy of Armond's first book, and he has a great/insane review entitled "American Haiku" that reads Home Alone as a metaphor for the Persian Gulf War (despite the fact that the Persian Gulf War had started only three months before the movie opened). Dude has always been crazy, and I love him for it.

It comes at exactly the right moment, just when the viewer is asking herself, "Jesus, is anything ever going to happen in this fucking mo…OH MY GOD!!!!"

I just watched What's Up, Doc? a couple weeks ago. Murphy doesn't get a whole lot of screentime, but it was very amusing to watch him slink around stealing suitcases.

I like Tanner '88 a lot. Tanner on Tanner is also pretty good. The fake-candidate-interacts-with-real-candidates-and-comments-on-the-election-in-real-time format is so full of possibilities I wish someone would take up the mantle from Altman and try to do this every election cycle.

Esham should re-release KKKill the Fetus to capitalize off of that Kermit Gosnell trial.

Anger Management did it first!

something something Mike Brady

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus is also well-known for his love of goooooooold.

He gives in to self interest in the end when (MILD SPOILER) he backs out of his deal to resign in protest.

"Seth, I look like an angry peanut."

I don't completely agree with (1) — I thought that album was kind of interesting and less derivative than most BM — but (2) is so completely and totally true as to render (1) irrelevant.

It's basically Millions Now Living Will Never Die and subsequent music that sounds like Millions Now Living Will Never Die.

"Vaughn Meader is screwed…."

Chance the Rapper? More like PaRappa the Rapper!

Hey, speaking of metal bands that aren't really metal, I saw Ghost (B.C.) last night, and it was fantastic!

I also saw him live several years ago, at the national convention for the Government Finance Officers of America (GFOA) in Denver. He had obviously been hired because of his accountancy background. He did all the same stuff you mentioned (including the intro to the female driver bit), but it was still really fun to

Oh boy, I hope Vaughn Meader is next!

It's especially galling since that was the defining shot of Garden State. It was used on posters, TV ads, etc.

Yes he was!