Wolfmans Brutha

Speed is fun but really, you can’t do it on the street. Not for long, before the flashy blue lights pop up and rain on your parade.

That license plate holder is a crime.

Wait. I just did some internet sleuthing:

This would be more like if Keurig came with the following instructions:

If making juice out of juice is so easy then how come everyone’s not doing it?

Any hacker will tell you it was ridiculous for consumers to be so crazy about the NES Classic. It’s little more than a tiny Linux computer crammed inside a cool looking case. With a little cash and coding you can make a device that’s just as cool

“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”

Hey, asshole:
“The rider was absolutely legal to pass the Car in Texas because the car was going below the minimum speed limit. In fact the rider that was hit was cited by the police, and the ticket was thrown out of court because it was shown that the vehicle the rider was passing that swerved at him was going 35mph

Does this count?

i feel like you just made that up

Did anyone here read Dungeons & Dragons Dragonlance novels in middle school? No one? Well, I did. There was one line in those; I think it was either in the Legends trilogy but could have been Chronicles. “There is an old Kinder saying, act like you belong and the walls will blend in to hide you.” or something like

“... hit a set of spike strips going 115 MPH, subsequently barreled off of the road and into a drainage ditch, launched the truck into the air and landed on a car parked at a restaurant” 

I wouldn’t limit to age, but more powerful, sportier car should require a special driving license. It doesn’t make sense that the same license that is valid to a Toyota Yaris is valid to a Ferrari 488 or a Porsche Turbo S.

Really this should be retitled: “How to use zip ties as more or less intended, make your shit look cheap, and make stupid versions of extremely cheap things”.

You are right, once you reach the marker you just keep on accelerating, forever.

So if your car gets stuck on the way down, do you get to shake the building?

There’s a sticker on the dash warning you not to floor it.

I don’t understand why he chose to stand between the wall and the truck after the waves had already proved themselves strong enough to easily move the truck 3 times.

I’m sorry guys down in the US, but like Canada, Europe and most of the developed world don’t consume beef with hormones or and at times antibiotics. In Canada a cow can be given antibiotics for health reasons, but it is then taken out of the supply chain until the antibiotics are out of its system.