Wolfmans Brutha

Forget the slideshows, does anyone remember when this site used to do original reporting? This is reporting on someone else’s reporting, as is the OEM tire story, which is based on a video and was already reported on by The Drive, and probably touched on by the other automotive blogs that all serve the same audience

“Good Tires”, Bob mused, casually lighting a cigarette, “But certainly not great tires.”

It’s not meant to be a realistic test, the dummies aren’t holding beers and crowing about how they’d do it differently.

Cleans out truck to prepare for sale. Finds weed. Two hours later is found vacuuming patterns in cargo area.

Drunk people hit on other people every day, in every bar, at every party. If she said no and he got physical or became an asshole, that’s something. If he was groping her, that’s something. But hitting on her when she wasn’t interested? That’s nothing. That’s a guy misreading the room. (And women can do it too. I

Ya.. I’m with you. Being a jerk/boorish isn’t cool. If this article (or buzzfeeds article) was titled : “NdGT was rude and propositioned me” that would be one thing.   But we seem to be getting very close to (or may have already arrived at) the point where sexual misconduct is defined as whatever a woman says it is.

Five alternative facts about the iconic VW Transporter

Conspiracy theory: he fired thousands to hide the fact that he really only wanted to fire his best friend.

I’m not surprised Batman is right-leaning.

One other bad thing, no third pedal and shifter.

Why in the world would this be a pet peeve?

This system should not exist.

Cyclists are this light in the ass!? A dude attacks a herd of them and practically kills them single-handedly with nothing but his two fists and the lack of coordination to not kill them with his car to begin with...

“Disturbingly muscular” is a great way to put it. Like, yes, he’s ripped, but not in the way I’d want him stripping in front of me. More like in the way that someone filled him with rocks and sewed him up in a skin coat.

Tommy Wiseau is not eligible to be president. To be president, you have to be a native-born American of at least 35 years of age, and Tommy Wiseau will not be born until the year 2652.

Tommy Wiseau can only succeed when he’s legitimately trying and failing to create art. He’s in on the joke. It’s over. If he had somehow managed to make 5 other movies like The Room before it became a cult hit, then we’d have more, but as it is this is all we’re getting.

Wiseau serious?

Maybe they will innovate something called a removable battery, so that I can carry a couple extra for a weekend trip.

I think he’s the worst Joker out of all of them, in any incarnation. I even think he’s worse than Mr. Freeze in Batman and Robin.

I know this is going to be controversial, but I don’t think that Jared Leto was a good Joker. Further, I think he was a bad Joker.