I honestly only realized she was doing both roles when they mentioned it in the behind the scenes feature. Mind. Blown.
I honestly only realized she was doing both roles when they mentioned it in the behind the scenes feature. Mind. Blown.
Sweeney being kind, affable, and supportive was disturbing and jarring in the best way. And it really makes his being so unpleasant all the sadder - there was a time where he wasn't, or didn't need or felt the need to be this cruel to others. I don't know how much of it was the lack of worship or other things he saw…
Finally, Cope Anansi returns! That's all I wanted.
This episode was just so lovely. Here we have this character who could so easily be a joke, a wacky comic relief character. I mean my god, the man's even a leprechaun! You know what Americans do to leprechauns? We make them into horror movie rappers!
Honestly, the story of a President whose son is Vice President does sound somewhat Trumpian.
And he can't pronounce Mercutio's name correctly while denigrating him after the duel.
Also, I'll confess to my Shakespeare being rusty, but didn't the play depict Caesar positively? His assassination is shown as a weakness of character on the part of Brutus et al.
Are we sure on that?
Russ' exit is the show's meta humor and storytelling attitude at among its best. Here's a character who just doesn't work, and who's tied to one of the weaker plots of the show, so…we're going to hide him, replace him with a drastically different actor, change his personality organically and in a way that still feels…
I've no interest in being a "Debbie Downer," but I've also got a really bad, and really intense sense he's going to get off. I just suspect that yeah, people are going to just write off even his admissions with the same bullshit excuses as they did from the beginning. And I guess he'll never get the extent of the…
I'm unsure of how much of that direction is internal, but it definitely feels like a longterm pressure from EA. More action, more kinetic/easy to advertise action, more dramatic cutscenes. It's all the game engine, but I don't think any of the trailers for the second and third Mass Effect games had actual, "what you…
They've got a character who built a robot suit because she didn't have normal gross stretchy arms. They could always save David Cronenberg Man for the sequel.
Maybe they figure they can just use Treehouse live to do the more in-depth stuff the older Directs used to cover?
Though coincidentally, racism and xenophobia are both discussed kind of surprisingly extensively in Majora's Mask. Like, the first part of the game has Link in the form of a marginalized racial group who can't get around most of the city because it's designed for people, not Deku Scrubs. It's mostly to make sure the…
Well, other than us knowing about the Mario & Rabbids tactical RPG shooter (which, again…nuts) for months. But it is oddly short for such a big venue, isn't it? I guess the Kimishima era is a lot more immediate.
If nothing else, the entire concept of a clicker game is perfectly represented by something as weak, silly, pathetic, and persistent as Magikarp. One of my favorite details in the Pokédex is it noting how they have disproportionately long life cycles despite how weak they are; they have tenacity if almost literally…
I don't think it's unlikely we'd see either or both games, but those images were initially put up at the time of the Switch reveal event. Most likely, Best Buy assumed there'd be Smash Bros. and Pikmin games announced and put up those mockup covers.
This may just be me justifying it in a game I love, but I didn't have a problem with stuff popping in for the most part. It's obviously for technological limitations, but it ends up meshing really nicely with the game's en plein air art style (which says the ideal form of painting is outdoors and more immediate, so at…
I mean, I'd certainly like to see a mainline Pokémon game on the Switch, and more Metroid (and Metroid Prime) and MOTHER 3 as well. But complaining that they aren't making games they don't apparently want to make is just pointless, often entitled grousing. They have an obligation to make games and presumably want to…
We do have Vermin Supreme, though he's always been strictly local.