
In English, it is spelled "Heracles". However, if we are going to use a pure Ancient Greek to English transliteration of his name, it is spelled "Hēraklēs" or simply "Herakles".

And my name is (bare with me) a variant of the Portuguese name Leticia which is further derived from the Latin name/greeting Laetitia which is also the name of a Spanish saint which shares her name with a Roman goddess.

You can't mess with forces like that. I think that is how wormholes are formed. All you need to do after that is divide by zero and the entire universe will implode.

My mind goes to this...snack that appeared last year. I imagine that Cappuccino Lays might work just like this.

I know a certain Ditto that is sleeping with mommy tonight.

And....which moves are you talking about? I am genuinely curious because I honestly can't think of any moves that were barred or restricted in Gen VI. There are some moves that are not as common in this generation as they were in the last one, but that is because of how they were received (e.g. Move Tutor) or because

Funny thing is that, while shiny Legendaries are difficult to get, there are more legit shiny Legendaries than ones that are impossible to get. Out of 51 Legendary Pokemon (not counting Phione), only the following cannot be shiny:

And jokes on you, buddy. Pokemon Leaf Green doesn't have an internal battery.

Steel/flying is cool as long as you don't mind the sacrifices that you would be making in the metagame. The strategy with Metagross is to use his HUGE attack to your advantage. His speed is a tad low, but with the combination of a high defense, it doesn't matter when he is a heavy hitter. He doesn't have a lot of

As I have said in previous posts, Rizzo's Aegislash exists in a legal gray area and we only have his story to go by (one I honestly don't believe for a second; I hardly believe that someone who is the 2-time champion of the games that used Dream Balls doesn't know what they are). Hack checks only detect huge data

I am a woman and the only thing that I am mad about is the lack of Daisy action. Got Peach, got Roselina (my personal favorite). But Daisy gets no love. She always gets the shaft.

No problem. :)

Well, the Pokebank has its own hack check; it isn't flawless, but works enough so that a completely perfect EV Charizard (which is impossible) to slip through it.

It is MUCH easier to do this when you are a member of a Pokemon league. More than likely, there is somebody playing the game intensely and wouldn't mind giving you something cool for a random Pokemon.

Technically, yes. But hack checks won't detect this. In fact, there is no way of detecting this unless someone screws up...like Rizzo.

Having a Dream Ball, on its own, doesn't make it hacked. It is the combination of a Dream Ball plus a Gen VI Pokemon that makes it hacked.

Technically, training for EVs has been a staple of Pokemon since the beginning. EVs have always existed. This isn't new.

Problem is, we don't know if Rizzo's story is true or not. And in the Masters division, something like this should at least get a judge to raise an eyebrow because cheating happened somewhere along the line. Either Rizzo did it or someone did it for him.

I can't imagine a worse scenario. It is bad enough that the VGC metagame is filled with the same teams and combinations. God help us if everybody got their hands on them. And people choosing abilities? Yuck, I don't think so.

Corrections and emphasis: