
The fairies were terrible in this. But I did get some satisfaction at seeing Imelda Staunton get slapped in the face repeatedly.

Err...elaborate. Because that's kinda my point. Once competitive players master this (if they do anything about it at all), it will be a non-issue. Why worry about that dude fire-hopping if there is a good chance that he will be red shelled into oblivion if he starts out in front? I can imagine that this could make or

EVs have never been hidden, per se. The specific values are hidden, but you can always influence them (have always been able to) and the impact has always been crystal clear. Now, some of the mechanics behind gaining new EVs (other than battling) may not have always been clear (e.g. EV training, Super Training, etc),

You are forgetting that this is one kart on one track. If you get a full roster of people together (12 FREAKING KARTS!!), all with items, all knowing about this fire hopping thing, then the tables will turn. Hopping like that won't save you from a shell or some other item and if you don't have items to shield you, you

I didn't say that they should be in prison; they aren't old enough. At least one of the girls has a severe mental disorder (Geyser might; Weier might not). However, whatever is wrong with them, it didn't prevent them from knowing what they were doing was wrong (particularly Weier, who was more of a pawn than anything;

Before I give my opinion, let me tell you something. I think some people didn't read the full article or forgot some details.

Those eyes....those eyes are the eyes of sadness....

Pretty much. I like League too, but I go to specific sites for line up news, game issues, etc. These types are things are pretty much mundane. I can't really imagine an article about them.

I can hear Sarah McLachlan now:

My opinion is a little different.

So are these....

Customer: "What are these?"

Deep Fried Fried Chicken Oreos?

Yeah, it does. You either haven't been using them properly or been paying attention to how they are used in a competitive setting.

'Tis a Dedenne. An Electric-Fairy type.

Got Mario Kart 8 today. Got it at Toys R Us because they had a sale going on where if you got MK8, you could get another WiiU game for 40% off. So I got Tropical Freeze for about $20. At that to the free game I'm gonna get by registering MK8 and my weekend is looking pretty damn awesome.

"Why must everyone be an anti-hero?" asks Glenn Beck through his ignorant mouth. Well, let me answer that. There are two main reasons:

To go COMPLETELY left field, Nika Futterman, also voiced Lola Caricola, that extremely annoying bird in CatDog.

We are talking about a series where this happened:

Hey, their pan pizza is actually pretty damn good for the price. It is not the best pizza around, but when I can get a medium two-topping pan pizza + a drink for about $12 (one that doesn't taste like shit), it makes me a happy panda.