
The TU-144D crash in Paris was caused by a French Air Force jet shaddowing it taking photo’s of the canards when the Tu-144 pulled up sharply and almost collided with the Mirage. It then didn’t have enough altitude to recover from the push over maneuver at lower then expect speed and broke up during the panic pull

So the only way to get this done is to take away choice and force everyone into the higher octane? That way everyone can pay higher fuel costs so that you can make your CAFE standards? Kiss my gay black irish ass.

The Daily Mail is about as reputable as Breitbart...

Now playing

The glory of beating Brodozers is worth it though...

First and foremost, if a dealership pulls anything shady like this on you, DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY.

The man was an absolute legend. Anything that could be done in motorsports he did. I don’t have many heros but Dan was one.

I know that’s a lovely NSU Prinz there, but my advice is for those women to not get in that car. I just don’t trust fuzzy brown jacket man, there.

As a former BMW owner. I have 3 Words followed by 6 letters (and 2 explanation points)... PLASTIC COOLANT SYSTEM WTF BMW!!

At least his wipers won’t stick to the windshield. #silverlining

I hate the damn minivan and SUV drivers that don’t clear the 6 inches of snow/ice off the top of the vehicle. And waiting for it to fly off at 60mph on the highway and smashing the drivers behind you does not count as clearing it off. I won’t even mention the 18 wheeler jerks that don’t clear ice/snow - they should be

I actually had a guy at a local tire shop recommend an all season over a snow (which is what I asked for) because I drive a Subaru.

Guess where I didn’t buy tires..

Dear Donald Trump,

“The company reiterated that it believes there’s “no fundamental problems” with its supply chain or production processes”

It’s a David Tracy thing, you wouldn’t understand....

You only have to observe our president to know that the Russians have a wicked sense of humor.

I had to read through the comments section to make sure the Rocky was not forgotten, thank you!

He is quite nice. When I spoke to him last year (I think at E3) the first thing he said was that he hoped everything was OK at Kotaku. (You may recall that last summer was, uh, a dramatic time for our company.)