Wolc Lupin

@Machiavelli: There are already natural time machines.. They'r called spinning black holes

@GoesTo11: Actually, floating mountain could be just a couple of blimps tied together with olastic mountain and some vegetation on top

I thought this is the most thief-proof vehicle ever. Not only does it stick out like a sore thumb, it's about as desirable as diarrhea..

@GitEm$teveDave: OMG I feel sick, and I don't even have a uniform (note to self, register to accademys tests) ...Or it could be the vodka talking..

Any not-lamborghini with lambo doors. And anything pink.

oh god no..

@pres: Hmm.. never thought of it like that.. toons are dirty..

@tovette: Actually, it's theoretically possible (not right now) to create the whole solar system with everything living (and fake dinosaur fossils) within 7 days.. But it's mindbogglingy expensive and would serve of no purpose whatsoever.

remindes me an episode of Doctor Who

@RizzRustbolt: Why? Do you think that a machine couldn't be sentient or because the origin or the carrier of the intelligence is not determinant?

@Golem100: 5.32 pm. I got a ticket ..

Loved the Scruffy - Wash Bucket scene. Probably the best tearjerker I've ever seen

"why do you need an engine so big?" my GF then I told her about buying bmw 325 (e36)

So.. are they gonna call it "hyperalloy"..?

@WilliamTheFifth: But Moore says nothing about the size of the processor. Or multilevel units. So it's still valid. For long time, I think..