Wolc Lupin

Want it. With broadband..

@slotter: my thought exactly..

@Althestane: Yeah. What they should do is engineer a plant which has a natural gasbag and hydrogen-producing metabolism to fill it. So the offsprings would float too

How about BMW E34.. 22 years and sexy as hell..

@fuegerstef: Not sure about the minority part. Seems to me they'r a majority.. big majority..

@mikeado: can't.. stop.. drooling..

@Snafu77: To me was the fact that it all took place in roadside diner. They had perfect start for epic war story and they wasted it.


@atfyfe: nope.. tell me..

"Don't panic" - Douglas Adams

@bungz: So.. does Bender have another evil brother.. Breaker?

@Srynerson: because criminals are stupid. that's how they get caught

@daveinmn: I got old wireless rooter..

@900pilot: wow.. gotta get me one of those.. ugly as a monday morning and week.. but the noise.. oh the noise..

@DrForbidden: I know what happens.. it was beautiful.. wouldn't do it again thought..

@SmallShark: um.. wiki says that it is a copy of su 33..

@zer0sh1k1: it looks like it could. but seems to be rather noisy

@pixelsnader: ok.. not 3D. but neither are "3D" movies/tvs.. And you don't need specs to wach it.