A.T. Andabagof

You make it sound like you live in Puerto Rico.

Because it’s a Leftie state that forces it’s population to suffer for the state’s policies. Remeber Van Jones said, ‘Green is the new Red.’

or get a real job...

Mental Institute. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

QAnon; The Straw Man for the Left’s arguments.

Man what a dick he is. Fuck his take on the ‘I would Walk 500 miles’/Corona vax propaganda is cringe-worthy bullshit for 3 year olds. Why can’t take fuckstick just die in a fireball of a plane crash like daddy and big bro did?

Dog whistling to the cancel culture again...

Dud, anytime you feel like you need to throw down on a White person, gimme a call. I’ll give your black ass all it can take.

Fuck that bitch....

Fuck that bitch...

Fake news. Plenty of lobstermen that work in that area call ‘Bullshit!’

not when the stuff before the credits is shite.

Apparently not many people went to see the shit that was on before the credits rolled too.

Isn’t nice that little cutesy drawings make people think they understand an issue?

you mean, No one needs to answer. How dare you challenge my opinion?’

You mean, ‘It was written to backdoor reparations.’