It wasn’t an ‘insurrection’.
It wasn’t an ‘insurrection’.
Do you just make shit up?
I caught it in a marathon on Pluto once. Been looking fo since then.
Wish we could say the same for this article.
Keep manufacturing outrage. I guess that’s all this site is good for...that and promoting racism.
Bish pleez
On this side of reality, there are still puh-lenty of records for her to have a try at. Good Luck!
Is that Sideshow Bob or Bozo the Clown? Either way the ‘do has got to go.
If you enjoyed this movie, you should have your head examined.
Tatiana Tenreyo: ‘Oh! THAT Django Unchained!’
QT: ‘And now with that Weinstein shit behind me, I think I’ll bow out now.’
try this one...spell check is even better.
Because that’s all your feeble mind can understand.