A.T. Andabagof

Disney is so uber-Woke now.

Looks the same as 300 years later.

On this thread, there’s no need for intelligent insults. The reading level is sub-H.S.

He still answered ‘NO’ on the form. He lied. So sorry. Conviction thrown out. Let’s start over. HAHAHAHAHAHA! LMAO!

Facebook Seals the Deal on Getting Broken Up and Regulated

Shitty hack still attempts clever stories but fails.

Countdown to cancellation....

Well they didn’t fire Lemon after grabbing that guy’s dick, so why would they?

Which gay channel would pick him up? He still on T.V. after grabbing that dude’s dick?

Don Lemon: Sissy Boy


Looks like a Steak-Umm. Another plant-based meat.

5 of 4?????

It’s actually based on a pre-Christian, pagan festival.

It’s just a way to pre-game for Cinco de Mayo.

Because America is not a democracy...

Wobble! Wobble! Wobble!

They know where the real numbers are, and it’s not with the scared snowflakes.