A.T. Andabagof

55 Ways blapipo Demonize White People and Jews

Love it when the political elite of the Left are two-faced/hypocrites. It’s all fun and games until your fancy French bistro 50th B-day party for your staffer is a super spreader and GamGam and Peepa die, LOL.

File under Barry the Magic Negro.

Barry is such a dipshit. He uses that ‘Everybody knows...’ schtick whenever he’s about to lie. The other times you can tell he’s lying is his mouth is moving.

He looks like a modded out Grumpy Cat

Barry the Magic Negro is one of the biggest shitbirds since FDR.

Is my credit card debt going to be forgiven next, comrade?

The jury is still out on your President-Elect Biden bullshit. Nothing has been definitively certified and the Electoral College hasn’t voted yet.


Is ‘I am Greta’ all she can say? Like Groot.

Weaponized autism at work!

A strauight up fucking lie. You are the biggest, racist piece of shit around these sites.

Several of these incidents were blapipo on Jews.

She is so fucking stoooopid.

Free your mind and your ass will follow...

Uh no he didn’t He still has several lawsuits going and he has not conceded. So fake news is all that your pushing here.

Too sensitive so you have to dismiss like a bitch

Good! She probably deserved it.